Blizzard should change their "whats reportable" rules

there have been alot of threads about rcr and its abuses or even “potential” abuses. not very many of them seem to bring up fixes for the system that would be more agreeable for those against it.

barring them changing what is actually reportable i believe they should do these changes:

  1. remove auto squelch on all but a new option “selling gold” or something to that effect.

  2. strictly punish those who use the new option to auto squelch people not doing the gold selling.

  3. encourage people to use the ignore function .

  4. move all reports that wouldve resulted in an auto squelch to a priority queue to be reviewed by a GM.

all these would work and still keep the ability to rcr people but would take the power to punish other players out of random peoples hands and back into a GMs hands where it belongs.

if they dont manage to do that then they should relax quite a bit of their rules in reguards to what is actionable in game to further mimic the true vanilla experience.

Edit: wanted to add, this whole letting random people in the commuity to set the rules is a bad thing.


no. Sorry but squelch for spam and offensive language needs to be swiftly executed and waiting for a GM is not the way to have that happen.


but people being accused of “offensive language” that arent being offensive would pay the price for false accusations .

i would rather even 1 innocent be free than to falsely punish them.


disagree, as squelch is very temporary and not a big hinderance like a silence is (and can be removed if found to be false which has never happened), the risk is so small that multiple people will falsely report someone that it’s not even a real issue that needs to be taken into consideration.

I would rather I got falsely squelched and had to open a ticket to have it removed from my account record then to have chat be the cesspool that Classic was at times (not that I am worried that will ever happen as it would have happened within the last 12 yrs )


RCR with auto-squelch will be in Classic, unchanged from Retail.

As it should be.

And it will be glorious!



use ignore. you dont ever have to see their messages again and if they are truly worthy of being reported they will get actioned.

besides i think they should either relax their rules or at least get rid of the policy of the commuinty being able to set whatever arbritary rules they want.


community doesn’t set the rules, Blizzard does. Hence why you can appeal if you feel you were falsely reported to have the action removed from your account record.
Sorry but your premise that the punishment is based on anything but the rules we all agree to when we install is patently false.


there was a post on these forums posted a ways back that said something to the effect of them defering to the community on some things.


Sorry to be clueless but what exactly happens with RCR & autosquelch?

I’ve used RCR plenty in the past especially around MG Goldshire but I thought all it did was mute them from my own feed while sending a report. I didn’t realize it somehow “squelched” the offending party. (Somehow I missed the memo). How does that work exactly?
What is “squelch”, exactly?

The fact that me and Fallanaa agree on this (is this a first over the years ? ) should tell you everything you need to know about this non-issue


A squelch is a temporary restriction on chatting in public channels that happens when enough unique people right-click report you.


If a large number of people report someone, they will temporarily be prevented from speaking in public channels while the system waits for a GM to get to the reports and decide if a real punishment is warranted.

It requires a large number of people reporting in a very short time frame. According to certain people, this entirely reasonable temporary “stop spamming while we wait for a GM” span is the greatest injustice in the history of humankind.


If someone is Right Click Reported by multiple people in a short frame of time. They are squelched. Their chat is disabled across the board, until a GM sorts it out. If nothing was found, the chat is reinstated they are free and clear, but if the GM agrees with the report, a Silence punishment is applied and a black mark is put on the account. Silence punishments double for each infraction.

What people have issue with is the squelch. Due to the limitations of the wow client, when you are squelched, it kicks you from the game, without warning.


Not entirely true. They can still talk in guild/raid/party and other private chats, but not in public channels.


thing is we dont know how many people constitutes an auto squelch. there have been reported cases of it happening with as little as 10 people. so it is not a "large " number of people.


No, actually, there haven’t.

There have been people who claimed that it was as few as 10, but no evidence or proof of that. And in every such case, where people claimed that they were unjustly reported by only a few people, it turned out that they were lying and the reports were deserved and probably by more people than they claimed.

There is zero credible evidence of it being abused and zero credible evidence of it being a problem.


That’s the silence punishment, The Squelch just shuts down chat completely. No whispers or nothing. A friend of mine was squelched and he had to come to our discord to let us know, as he couldn’t talk in GChat or whispers. My friend likes to run his mouth, when the GM applied the silence, then he could talk in certain channels, but just not the Public ones

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heh. i know someone that tested it with 11 people. thing is you wont believe me even if i know it to be true.

so whatever absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.


Another part of the fear-mongering problem is that people are used to saying whatever they want with no repercussions on their private servers, and expect there to be no monitoring on Blizzard servers either, so they are fear-mongering trying to rile people up.


Yes but even when ‘testing’ you can’t guarantee that nobody else reported them unless you are standing behind the chairs of everyone in that area that can see the chat. Sorry but your testing is flawed. Plus, again if they were falsely squelched they can appeal.