Blizzard should change their "whats reportable" rules

You start running your mouth at MY house, you are likely gonna get a slap upside the head and ejected on your rear.

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auto squelch on an voluntarily participated online game is dumb. if gold spammers or whatever really cause you that much grief you need to see a doctor.

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Everythings offensive now a days. Majority vote can go sour either way.


Retail has nothing at all similar to the competitive nature of the open world that will exist in Classic.

Devilsaur Leather, Black Lotus, Songflower Buff, World Dragons, Doom Lord Kazzak, AQ gong, access to raid and dungeon portals, Felcoth, Whipper Root Tubers, etc.

You sit in a city and click queues and when you are in the world nobody is fighting over meaningful resources on retail.

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Like I said should be interesting to see if it is abused (I highly doubt it will be)

I agree. So much fear-mongering going on about all of that. It’s really funny to see them all try to twist words and blue posts (our evidence) to suit their anti-RCR crusade (which has no evidence that has been validated.)

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the thing is auto squelch isnt dependent on whether or not the concept is abused. just being in the game it changes the entire social dynamic. you fear offending people. and the offense someone could take is out of your control, so if you say you like red instead of blue, you might get auto squelched.

but hey blizzard is implementing it so it must be perfect and anyone with any idea against it is automatically wrong because haha were right.

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Nice hyperbole…

I’m fine with RCR, but do think the squelch and d/c need to be addressed. I do like the idea that is should also put you on a permanent ignore list, not the temp ignore it uses now.

They get punished.

Everything you do in the game is logged. GMs are perfectly capable – and will – go back through a conversation in /trade to see what actually happened.

Considering it was already hidden before I read it? I think the word you are looking for is “assume”. You know what that means, right?

edit: Oh I see, in your book quoting someone equates to posting what they posted. I think you are reaching, dear.

All this talk of abuse… And yet, there is no evidence presented of said abuse that hasn’t already been debunked as completely valid squelches.

When those of you against RCR can put forth some valid, verified, in-debatable evidence, you have a point. Until then, it’s just fear-mongering trying to get a very useful tool removed.

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This. And there have been posts discussing that very fact in the CS forum. Just like Asmongold was banned temporarily for his abuse of the reporting system (getting everyone in his raid to report him.)

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I have yet to see a credible case of such.

Please stop. My face is starting to hurt and find it hard to breathe properly.

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Google “right click report rbg” and decide for yourself.

Not everyone who plays this game cares if it is fair or not.


I have a mental image of him walking into your house, interrupting a conversation you are having with your spouse, and every time you try to continue the conversation he launches into anal chuck norris comedy stylings at the top of his voice. When you attempt to eject him from your house he shrieks about his democracy and free speech.

Honestly, he wouldn’t have made it past the front door threshold. Texas Castle Doctrine Laws.

They do not and will not cause me any harm whatsoever, as it will be a stress free click of the mouse to deal with them.

Wake up. Check forums. 146 new posts in thread since I have been asleep.


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Oh, you missed a big doozy of a thread last night. It had almost everything!