Blizzard should change their "whats reportable" rules

What gives you the right to judge what is typed for everyone? If i type something that offends you the is YOUR personal problem not everyone else’s. Just hit Ignore! Why do people have to monitor what they type constantly and never have fun just because you don’t see it that way? That is insane thinking and it ruins the community.

Sorry that isn’t how it works. If I type something and you don’t like there is an Ignore feature that allows you to enjoy the game since you are too sensitive and easily offended and allows that person to have fun in the community.

No the system has been abused, it’s wrong and Blizzard needs to do better instead of letting a few entitled [Edited by Blizzard] dictate what is right or wrong.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.

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Blizzard does. :man_facepalming:

Judged by a jury of your peers.

I don’t, Blizzard’s rules that you agreed to when you installed the game is where the line is, when you cross that expect the community to assist in then enforcement of such rules, much like if you commit a crime and someone sees you they are likely to call 911 .

People keep saying this and yet when asked for proof none is given yet there a ton of examples where it was shown that people were rightfully squelched.


Someone didn’t read the part about masked profanity… >.<

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The poor lad flew too close to the sun.

Just curious since you qouted what you just flagged his post for. Doesn’t that make you guilty of the same thing?
What’s that word im looking for here…

I become more of a free speech advocate all the time with how weak and easily offended are becoming. The end of that road does not look good.

Blizzard has a right to police chat in their game though. Everyone being honest about it knows that your typical player typing naughty things in chat is doing it for negative attention to yank people’s chain.

RCR is not a good solution because any system like this will be abused in a highly competitive game like WoW. Any guild that can maintain a ‘Devilsaur Mafia’ can certainly coordinate the effort to mass RCR/Silence a rival guild for example.

We’ve seen abuses like this in the past with mass reporting players to kick them out of BGs. The WoW crowd hasn’t changed that much.

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Nah. If the post is deleted, either the follow-up post will also be deleted, or the quote will be edited by a CM.

Even if Alt is actioned, it’s an easy appeal since it was simply in a quote, and not actually posted by that person.

[citation needed]

The word you are looking for here is the problem and topic. People falsely flagging stuff cause they are offended and can’t discuss the topic.

It’s hilarious my post got Flagged in a topic about what is wrong about the reporting system. Wahhhhh what he said bothers me let me flag it instead of simply ignoring it. So sad but funny how my point was proven in this very thread. Thoroughly amused and thanks for making me right. :joy:

The irony is amusing and why we can’t have nice things in World of Warcraft! It’s a shame.

Again simple fix you can only Report someone after they have been ignored. It’s the only way to have proper democracy and freedom of speech. To make sure serious harassment gets addressed, To have a fun engaging community.

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Free speech is fine, but as that does not apply in private places (like games, people’s houses etc.) and only applies to the government (Blizzard is not the government) not enacting laws limiting it , free speech has no place being brought up even remotely in this context.

Free speech is great and all but it’s immaterial when you are dealing with a private entity and not the government.

Yes of course, and as I said in the very next line…

I think it does, for the very reason that edgy kids are doing it for the reasons said.

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Maybe if it didn’t contain masked profanity (which is against the forum CoC), it wouldn’t have gotten flagged?

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Wait what??!! Okay now you are trolling. I’m out guys. You especially should be able to freely speak in games and your households lol. If you don’t like what is being said, Ignore or leave that house. Yikes!

I said what needed to be said. Just remember this important lesson in life. If someone offends you then you need to thank them because they just revealed to you something that YOU need to work on. What offends you is your issue and only you can work on yourself.

Again you should only be able to report someone after they have been ignored. It’s the only way to have a better community and make sure REAL harassment gets addressed because that is the serious issue.

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And the other “edgy kids” just want “free speech” to have free reign to say whatever they want, whenever they want. So, it’s one group of “edgy kids” against your group of “edgy kids”. The difference is, that our group has the only ones that truly matter in this context on our side. Blizzard.

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I have the right to limit what people say in my house. Blizzard has the right to limit what people say in their game.
That is the difference. If you don’t understand that then I don’t know what to say, it comes down to the old saying that your right to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose.


See how easy it is to get some people going, you are putting a fine point on it right now.

I’m not against the idea of Blizzard policing offensive chat, you skipped over that part because you want to argue. I am saying RCR will be abused, just wait for the posts on it.


Should be interesting to see if there are posts on it unlike on retail where it’s active and is not being abused.
Well some claim it is but all have been proven to be legitimate RCR squelches and silences.