OK, it is bringing up loads of threads like this one. Perhaps there are better search parameters to block all of the fear mongering threads and debunked examples of “abuse”?
So this is the fundamental difference in thought that surrounds this conversation. I don’t understand how this mindset is okay. It seems like it all gets lumped into bashing ‘political correctness’ where being PC now has negative connotations for a huge portion of the population. All it boils down to is: if I have two options for how to say something, and option A offends someone and option B doesn’t, what reason is there to not use option B? Even if you genuinely didn’t mean to offend, if you learn that using option A bothers people, for whatever reason, what does it hurt to not say it anymore?
The response to this question is usually something along the lines of:
“there’s no way to know what will offend people and people will get offended by absolutely anything these days so it’s impossible to even try to not be offensive so I’m going to keep using my favorite homophobic slurs to talk about things I don’t like”
If you offend someone it should be your problem. If you learn you offended someone, even if it was genuinely unintentional, and you decide to just keep doing it, you aren’t some paragon of free speech, you aren’t some patriot defending the first amendment. If someone tells you you’re being offensive and you decide their experience is less important than you using whatever words you want, youre just an a-hole.
And that’s actually okay. Be yourself. But be self-aware enough to understand that blizzard has decided the game makes more money if people understand that being offensive is your problem, not the offended’s problem.
Not only that, but reporting someone AFK isn’t the same as reporting abusive chat. Report AFK only applies to instanced PvP, not the game world proper.
Since apparently few people freaking out over RCR have actually, you know, done it, this is what is listed when you RC on someone’s name who just said something in /say:
Other Options
Report Player For
Copy Character Name
Under Report Player For you have these choices, and these choices only:
Someone beating you to a node isn’t any of those. You could try Cheating, but it wouldn’t be acted on. Same with Spamming to try to shut someone up from selling in Trade. Even if you successfully get them squelched, you and your pals run the risk of getting punished for abusing the system.
There are plenty of examples, twitch clips etc mostly from EU where you can watch people do it in a RBG. You want to maintain being right over looking into it. Good to know.
Dude, you sound like you’ve done the research. The onus is not on me to go seek out proof of what you are claiming. I already wasted time literally googling what you said to google. Direct links please.
Pretty accurate. That is literally why it exists at the same time, because people’s opinions about what is offensive or acceptable change. A lot of stuff is protected speech that I find offensive and disgusting as well, way it goes.
No, what you are saying is I don’t believe you, prove me wrong. I’m not doing that, Blizzard has been made aware. Up to them to implement a system that can’t be abused so easily in lieu of having actual people as CMs.
I’m from Texas as well. I wouldn’t tolerate disrespect at my place either.
Not sure what part of the state you are from, but I don’t know anyone including kids who runs their mouth being offensive and purposely picking fights. Internet thing, kids seeking negative attention.
What? I am saying is to back up claims with credible evidence, and that I am not responsible to go forth and find your proof for what you yourself are claiming. Simply pointing at the google search field is not credible evidence. I am not Fox Mulder willing to blindly believe “The Truth is Out There”.
Blizzard has been made aware? Aware of WHAT? That there is a small handful of players who are unhappy they may be squelched, many of whom carry themselves on the forum in such a fashion that their risk of squelch is apparent?
There’s pretty much a 100% chance that won’t happen. Hell I’ve debated politics (something that’s volatile and attracts attention) in trade chat on my extremely populated server (Area 52 Horde) and was never reported enough to be silenced.
The only people who should be worried about getting squelched know exactly who they are.
I wouldn’t have to ignore it if it was never said in the first place
RCR encourages people to self apply a filter before I have to
And yes some people find it entertaining, if enough however don’t find it entertaining you might get silenced, so know your audience before you mouth off.