Blizzard should change their "whats reportable" rules

Oh, here we go again with the “free speech” line of absurdity.

Nah, I’ll just use RCR, enjoy it’s integrated /ignore, and help blizzard out in my small way. 99% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

popcorn Time !!

I like your innovation. This gets my vote and feel it is a great compromise. :+1:

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It’s a compromise but still not what should be in place for many reasons. First it still can be abused. Second you still don’t need anyone to be squelched if a lot of people ignore them. That is again personal preferences and not any form of Reportable harassment.

Example - Someone tells a joke about that hilarious about Vegans. 20 people love and the bit goes on for awhile. Then all a sudden the Vegan Guild reads it. Ohhh noes!!! Rage and they report someone falsely for having fun and making the community better by joking around.

Now this funny guy gets squelched cause a particular group falsely feels that this guy is bad. Their opinion on right or wrong is irrelevant it is an opinion and they shouldn’t have power to have someone squelched. That is what ignore is for.

So no this doesn’t work. If I offend a group of people that is their problem. The entitlement online needs to stop. Stop silencing people that shouldn’t be silenced let people have freedom of speech if you don’t like it than Ignore it. If it is ACTUAL harassment. Then like I said after you ignore you can then report them and it will be investigated.

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You aren’t helping Blizzard out you are falsely destroying the community because you don’t like something.

Stop the entitlement, just cause you don’t like something doesn’t mean the community agrees with you and doesn’t want to hear it too! I hate when people get squelched that I like talking too because some smuck couldn’t ignore them. That is why there is ignore. It keeps the community together and you can enjoy the game.

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Because you mentioned it in your ticket let me cover the profanity filter… No, you may not say anything you wish in our game. This game is rated T for Teen and thus a certain type of content is certified by that rating. We cannot control what players say, which is why we have policies in place to help them understand what type of language and subject matter is simply not appropriate. The mature language filter is to give some control, to parents who don’t wish to have their children exposed to such language, as well as others who do not wish to see it, to block it.

That does not give folks license to use such language.

BTW, acronyms (short abbreviated version) of profanity - is still profanity, which I see you using in your appeals (of which you really need only one). Use of those in-game is the same as if you had spelled it out.

Blizz says we do.

Granted, if the ones contacting you are violating policy, it is best to report first, then place them on ignore if you wish. That way we can make sure that they are educated as to what behaviors are not appropriate for the game.

The beautiful thing is that a single RCR doesn’t squelch anyone. So, if the “community” wants to hear it, our single report won’t stop them. :slight_smile:

It’s doesn’t fix the problem. Why compromise and half fix it? Just fix the problem! Compromises aren’t fixes. Both sides lose.

When in Rome. Do as the Romans.

That is why there are user made channels.

Just because you like to act like a super edgemaster, it doesn’t mean the entire channel wants to hear it. Again, private user created channels are right up your alley.

Keep your markers on your cards, bingo HAS been called!

Is that what’s happening, or is it instead allowing better communication to happen within public channels? :thinking:

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what problem ? People unable to control what they type before they hit enter ? This is what this whole thing comes down to. It’s not about abusing it to get an advantage , it’s not about profanity or spam or anything else, it’s about people having so little self control that they are unable to use backspace and correct what they type before hitting enter.

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me not that kind of orc

Guilty until proven innocent, right?

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Lol. You will be.

Wrong… because of the example I listed.

Squelching is biased, always! It can be abused! It doesn’t work. It would be easier for Blizzard to track REAL harassment if you could only report someone that has been ignored first.

Ignoring works 2 fold. It makes the game enjoyable for you while the person you ignored can continue to make the game enjoyable for others. If 100 people ignore someone great. Doesn’t mean 1,000 people don’t love listening to that person.

The system doesn’t work and will never work as is. Simple facts and it’s obvious to see.

Do you turn the radio up when your car starts making weird noises?

I’ll believe Blizzard (who created the system) over you (a heavily biased anti-RCR crusader), thanks.

edit: Also, don’t post things that could be taken as offensive by a group of people you don’t like. Vegans in your example. Obviously, you have a bias against them.

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This system does work, has been working for years on the retail side.
That’s why they are keeping it active on the Classic servers.