Blizzard should change their "whats reportable" rules

Lol another forum warrior coming in with a bold defense of their right to saw racial slurs. This is why the arguments against RCR are so hard to take seriously. There may be potential for abuse of this system, and classic may be more significantly impacted than BFA, and there may be alternatives that would work more smoothly.

But you don’t care about any of that at the end of the day, you just enjoy your racial slurs.

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This just makes me shake my head. I dont know about you but I play games to get away from people who think like this. Blizzard has the same philosophy as I do thank goodness. There are plenty of other games you can play where you can take your “racial slurs” etc etc and be “entertained” there.

Just know, Im armed with RCR, and Im going to use it.


Answer a question: Why should 300 people have to ignore someone rather than just let the system shut them up until a GM looks into it?

RCR is a very easy system to beat, don’t act like a moron.


Those are so great, TT… Glad you’ve been keeping track of them.

I especially like the one that says that the profanity filter is not an excuse to use profanity in chat, and that using profanity (even masked) is actionable under the CoC.

It really brings to light the fact that most (if not all) of those afflicted by RCR are legitimate. There’s even one that goes into detail about the Asmongold incident and how he was banned for the abuse of the report system that he caused. LOL

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I’m mainly worried if I spam ‘LFG to Raid X’ or ‘LF Guild for Lvl60 Raiding’ or ‘LFW Leatherworker’ that I may get RCR and nobody will see my messages.

I still don’t know exactly how it works, if you get auto-squelched by RCR’s before a GM reviews, are you notified that you are prevented from using wow chat?

Trolls, abusive folks, and private server addicts … only people who will be negatively impacted by RcR. And the only people wanting it removed.

Many of us are glad that there isnt a chance it will be removed.

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Those are some sour grapes you’ve got there.

this is something i agree with.

for the other posts i missed cause i was asleep , guys being against rcr doesnt mean youre for racial slurs. that crap is annoying when people piggy back off something that is a good thing and poison it. still i think they should be in the priority queue system and only the “gold selling” as the auto squelch option.

anyways the only thing i wanted them to strictly punish was people abusing the new “gold selling” option (being the only thing that would auto squelch) to get people auto squelched who diddnt do any “gold selling”.

anyways i thought i would clear that up.

I don’t get the fear. I’m one of the most hated people on these forums by the #nochanges pserver crowd. 0 posts hidden. It’s not hard to not get reported. Most of the people against it, I’m assuming are planning on creating reasons to get reported.

You shouldn’t be able to report someone unless you have Ignored them first, It really is that simple!

Well you’re in luck!
RCR also puts the person on ignore.

Win Win!

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they would have to change the way the system works to do that cause ignoring masks all chat from the person and i dont think you could right click and report them after you do.

RCR is serious. If you do it, you are acting as a GM and disabling free speech of others. You are also requesting that a real GM be tasked to review your report. Once they do and decide who or what punishment to dish out, you lose your temporary GM title.

I still don’t know if the person who got auto-squelched by the mass RCR’s would be notified that his words are no longer heard by anyone in chat.

There is no “Free speech” in WoW. It isn’t a government-owned thing. It is a privately-owned game you are renting access to (You don’t own your WoW account, btw.)

Blizzard can do anything they want to your characters and account at any time, for any reason, or no reason.

Free speech doesn’t apply here, broseph.

Yes. When they try to type it is something like: “Your chat privileges are suspended pending game master review.”

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Seriously useful, seriously needed and will seriously be in-game! **

(fixed for you brobro, yw!)

Remember that first page when first DL Wow? The one that you have to scroll down and click Agree? “Free speech” in Blizzards home so to speak, does not exist. You agree’d now deal with it.

No that is a loss, loss

99% of RCR should never happen. If you don’t like what someone is saying it is up to you to Ignore them. That is what the Ignore feature is for and works for 99% of what is needed. After the Ignore feature fails you should then use the Reporting feature.

Think you missed the meaning of my post :wink:

If Ignore fixes the problem then do you need Right Click Reporting :thinking: Nope sure don’t.

The point was that you shouldn’t be allowed to report anyone unless you have indeed taken the time to ignore them first. If past ignoring them they need to be reported due to some form of actual harassment, Then yes that is what the reporting feature is for. To remove REAL harmful things from the game but RCR isn’t being used for that. Which is the problem.

Edit want to mention the importance of the sentence above

Key word actual harassment. Language and things you don’t like aren’t harassment that is just your personal preference. Which is why Ignore works it mutes the person that you don’t like but allows that person to make other people laugh and have fun.

Again like I said you should only be able to report someone ONLY after you have ignored them first. It’s a fail safe to make sure ACTUAL harassment is taken care of!

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Thanks. You’re right about free speech, I forgot in the real world people have free speech, in wow chat you have to obide by the terms of service and other policies.

FYI, youtube’s system doesn’t tell you you’ve been muted by the channel owner, so I had to ask.

its 2019. you really think blizzard will let people chat? get real bud. you better get good at saying “yes” or “no” and make sure you end every sentence with “thank you”. this aint 2006 bud. we take interaction seriously these days. one wrong move and thats it for you. i myself will be doing a no chat to naxx run.

So what if instead of calling it right click report, blizzard came out and said:

we’ve added new features to the ignore list, now /ignore logs how often individual people are getting ignored. If enough people all ignore the same person in a short enough window of time, that person gets temporary communication restrictions because they are disrupting a significant portion of the community. GMs are still available to review these situations and will weigh in eventually any time that situation gets triggered.

Does this make everyone happy?