Blizzard should add High Elven Paladins to Void Elves like they added Highborne Mages to Night Elves

I am not seeing a problem for people wanting something in this game. If you don’t like the idea it’s fine.
But I see problem when other people try to put that person down …
Human nature ?


I think it would be nice to have void paladins. Instead of light players would have a sort of purplish tinge to their spells.

With the factions going away I’m guessing it doesn’t matter, I will be maining my BE paladin because elves.

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Alright. I gotta go teach some people how to walk. Works starting. So let me hit this one thing.

Are they standing up for you. Or are they trying to harass me off the forums?

Give us Nightborne shamans and you can have Void Elf paladins. Makes about the same amount of sense.

Also, this wasn’t me. We’ve had this discussion. I like you. I’d still be your friend.

I don’t actually want to get into it. Because you are nice. But if people are going to say I did things I didn’t do then I’m going to defend myself. I don’t want to get into it with you. Rawrlol and Guzzle are defaming me and harassing me.

They are standing up for me. If you happen to feel shame and remorse and quit being a predator, that would just be a bonus.

But of course the one thing you acknowledge in my post has nothing to do with how you treated me.


Standing up for you about me existing on the forums?

I’d rather not push back on your post. But it’d be nice to be able to post without being harassed.

It would have been nice if you hadn’t harassed me, but here we are.


Game mechanics. You can’t have those races be priests and lock them out of a spec. Players would go nuts.

Lorewise, Void Elf Priests are all Shadow, and Lightforged Priests are all Holy. Not to mention as it’s been said “Priests use the Light, Paladins ARE the Light”.

Well, Paladins are also an entire class, whose 3 specs are ALL based on being infused with the Light. Void Elves are already fused with the Void.

Void + Light = BOOM


When being called out for harassment, and the person has specifically told you they want you to leave them alone, it does not look good on you to tell them that you like them and want to be their friend in response…


My boy your GF literally said in the discord that it was your account. What was it some alter ego supervillain hacker that acts like you and involuntarily tries to ERP with people on discord?


Alright. So before I push back. You’re ok with them bringing this up every thread to try and run me off the forums?

If thats true, its fine and I’ll push back. I’d rather be friends again and not have to derail threads and report harassment every thread.

Nah. Just out of all the antis I like Avarie. Your clubhouse is a bunch of gross harassers.

Friends don’t treat people the way you treated me.


I feel like your story has changed a bit over time. But thats fine. You remember last time the antis brought this up and I asked you if you remember me checking in on you and you telling me it was ok?

I remember you apologizing if you were making me uncomfortable before calling me subby and making another attempt to erp with me thus making your apology seem really insincere.


Alright these people aren’t gonna walk themselves.

I saw this unfold. That is the full true story.

There is no planet where what happened to Lann is acceptable.

Nonconsensual lewding is not okay. Especially when the victim is not known well to the offending individual. Like, what if Avarie had been a minor?

There is no planet where what happened to Avarie is acceptable.


So did he also tell you he harassed another user for 8 months who accidently used his real name on the forums once, and to finally get them banned 8 months later, despite that there was an official apology and even Lann accepted that apology?

Oh wait, hold up, I thought you had me on ignore?

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Oh look, more discord drama spilling into the forums from the habitual forum dwellers. You people need to get a life.

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