Blizzard should add High Elven Paladins to Void Elves like they added Highborne Mages to Night Elves

Yea sorry. I’m not really fond of sexual harassment. I won’t hide it.


Anti’s aren’t big on the whole story. But they live on the forums and are a big group that dogpile others.

They like to harass and then say they were harassed

You just explicitly stated that you were saying something to run me off of the forums. So you’re fond of harassment harassment.

Lets talk about you guys as a group spreading lies about me to get me to leave the forums.

No I’m saying that I hope someone that has sexually harassed people before goes away. Please go away.

I’m sure you would like them to be. But there is a reason why the first times this stuff was brought up you always went silent.


If you want a blue eyed elf paladin, keep playing Horde.


Yeah. Didn’t happen. But your sick group likes to say it did. Its disgusting.

Bring Avarie in here to lie about me more. I’ll go.

Want to do it in the other thread too?

I didn’t go silent. I posted tons after the first lie party.

I don’t live here on the forums. I basically show up when there is big wow news.

You’ve never run me off. Nor would I let serial harassers run me off.

Whats disgusting is that you have the gall to sit here and lie to everyone’s face after doing it.

I have no issues with any other high elf advocate. Even the ones that are known for throwing out insults I will tolerate on the forums who really cares at the end of the day it’s pixel elves. My problem is the sexual harassment.

Buddy I saw when this went down on the forums. I’ve been on here since 2020 You were called out before and tried to ignore it at first. I wonder why?


I’m not lying about anything. Avarie joined your little fanclub and you guys were like, lets dogpile and harass this dude. Like normal, because you’re serial harassers.

Keep in mind that 1. She doesn’t even remember how the conversation started. She was confusing me with someone else.

And 2. Talks about going along with it.

Ya’ll drama queens like to talk abour people. She didn’t even bring it up pn the forums. Some anti did.

You can look at the conversation.

It didn’t happen. Avarie also explicitly states she doesn’t want you guys to bring it up. But you still do.

But drag her on over if you want. I’ll fight yout gross lies on every thread. Lets go.

So first it was it didn’t happen and now it’s that it did happen? And now you’re speaking for Avarie despite claiming before that she was making up lies about you on purpose?

I’m not a detective but I can tell when a story has some holes in it.


Here she comes. Lets go.

Also its time for that work grind so it may be awhile before I respond.

This is the energy Avarie always has

Never known Avarie to lie because she doesn’t.


I like that you dudes think its ok to try and harass someone off of the forums. The behavior is pretty disgusting.

This may come as a surprise to you. But I don’t care what someone who has done the things you have done thinks of my actions.


Thats defamation right there.

Seriously , you changed the accusation?

Man. I’m reporting this. You guys are gross.

Go ahead. I don’t care lmao.

Stop harassing me on the forums. Then pretending like your group are some angels that get attacked by some pro High Elf players.

Your first message to me was role play like, which I thought was you joking. It eventually was clear you were not joking, however. We had talked on the forums previously, but really when you messaged me we were friends but you knew nothing about me. We certainly weren’t partners discussing sensuality.

You literally went right to trying to erp with me, and consistently posted crap like that without considering how I felt about it, even when time after time I didn’t reciprocate.

On top of that, I found out you had a partner while you were trying to erp with me, which is another level of disrespectful and gross.

And this all has to do with how you treated me, all antis have done is stood up for me. I’ve never told them not to. You see they are actually my friends and they know me and even with a lot of joking around they’ve never messaged me like that. Why? Because they have respect for me.

Heck, I flirt with Reno constantly, and he has never tried to sexually harass me in response.

And I’d like to emphasize this part again. We were not partners discussing sensuality. You never even asked if I would want to erp. When I thought you were joking you mentioned possibly playing nelves together sometime, I said maybe to that.

You really have a lot of nerve coming in here, demanding that I come here, lying about me and things I’ve said. Well here I am. You continue to interact with me, lie about me, demand my time, despite me asking you multiple times to leave me alone. You are actively harassing me on the forums for everyone to see.