Blizzard should add High Elven Paladins to Void Elves like they added Highborne Mages to Night Elves

what? i havent been active on the forums for months

No, then blood elves might get some sympathy scraps and we can be fabulous again.

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As a thalassian fan, all according to keikaku

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veressa and turalyon inserted them as spies. and not all of them. just some. and the ones she inserted are not the exact same ones being trained as pallies. in my concept. like i said, nevermind. not worth it to argue cause you’ll just pretend i didnt say that and accuse me again of breakdancing on lore

Yet, you’re still making ridiculous demands that hurt blood elves and throw lore in the rubbish bin in favor of bad fan fiction.

Sorry but not sorry. I don’t care about the state of the Alliance anymore.


true true. i’m terrible writer. bad person. demanding. all that. yeah.

I applaud your creativity, I really do, but I’m sorry that’s a very poor example with a lot of plot implications. There’s a good reason why it’s hard to rationalize this concept, because Void elves were literally designed as the anti-thesis to the light. Which is why their voice lines mock the light, the sunwell, and even high elves themselves.

Culturally Void elves would want as little to do with a light wielder, as a light wielder would want with them.

  • Here are just some of the interactions the church has when a Void elf enters

Oh! Hello there… fellow member of the Alliance. I mean no disrespect, but… I’m just not entirely sure the cathedral is the most… appropriate place for… for… For someone who indulges such… unique proclivities.
The Light does not treat with the Void, elf. You should leave this place.
This place is not meant for you.
I can sense the shadow in you. Though it is diminished in the presence of the Light.
Thank you, but I do not require your aid.
I will help in whatever way I can, but I suggest you do not linger too long here.
I commend your dedication. However, I fear you walk a dangerous path. You would best serve the Alliance away from the cathedral.
Tread carefully, $c. Lady Alleria’s name will only carry you so far.
Perhaps is it as Alleria Windrunner says, and the whispers of shadow can be controlled.
Be on your guard, friend, and may the Ligh-- Hrm. Well… May fortune favor you.

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so why do you insist on reiterating this? just how many different ways do you think you need to tell me the idea sucks? its been a full hour of repeatedly rehashing how i’m wrong . lol i said its not worth it to me.

Lol when even a priest basically says “Good luck because the Light won’t help you.” You know your race done messed up.

I don’t think anyone thinks you’re a bad person for wanting Alliance HEs Hyper, I certainly don’t. But it arguably continues to impact BEs over and over and over again, pretending that doesn’t happen or doesn’t matter to people is certainly a choice you’re entitled to make but when people push back on and point to where these ideas have holes and why they are against it often times citing the way it impacts BEs something you either like to pretend isn’t a factor or wave as being an acceptable outcome it is what it is, but its not personal.


What? This is my first time hearing on what sort of idea you had on how a Paladin might rationalize joining the Void elves. Sorry for calling your example poor, I was just pointing out that the very reason why it’s hard for you to justify a Void elf Paladin, is the same reason why players don’t want it.

My main point was just to help you understand why this concept has such a strong pushback, and that it really isn’t right to tell people that they have to be okay with something that’s clearly lore-breaking because you think the lore “eh” anyway.

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okay. we have velfs with helf colors (woot) and i’m happy tho new hairstyles would be awesome and some tats, i’m not gonna cry about it if we dont get them cause i know blizz is overextended and beleagured. you already know i support belfs getting stuff. but honestly, this is just not worth it to me. it woulda been maybe a couple years ago but not anymore.

you ignored to the last, that it wouldnt be a void elf. the velf woulda been the main race, the helf a separate sub race that is allied with …nevermind. not going there again. you win.

(≖_≖ )

Can’t… tell if trolling but okay

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How about you tell the full story, and the truth, Lann, before starting this story up.

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Hello. Playable High Elf here.

How ya doin? How’s your tree… Oh… Sorry.


Jesus. You’re coming to lie about me. Then someone is complaining about being doxxed.

This is disgusting. Coming to slander me to chase me off the forums and act like the good guy.

Here is the thing. Lets say things did happen like you just posted. Which they did not.

Are you like a jesuit priest that doesn’t talk about sensuality? Sounds like you are pretty boring for your partner or partners.

But thats not as gross as your ontentions here.

This is harassment.

Care to explain Void Elf holy priests and LF Draenei Shadowpriests then?

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I’m not going anywhere. And listen to you, “At least now he’ll slink back into his corner.”

You’re not a hero. You’re a harasser.

You’re the creep here.