Blizzard should add High Elven Paladins to Void Elves like they added Highborne Mages to Night Elves

with pink sparkles.

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I’m not sweating anything, just don’t pretend that the people against Void elf Paladins are doing it just to spite or upset you.

Curiously I wanted to see how you’d rationalize the idea of a light-wielder joining the void, but I guess even you couldn’t muster up a convincing example for that.

Now if Void elves were given a class skin like “Void Knight” which served the same purpose I doubt that movement would get the same pushback. Because at least it’s attempting to stay in line with the story and not breakdance over the lore.

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But void paladins cannot be made to work.

They don’t work.

Paladins are not warriors, or rogues. They are light warriors.

You can’t be a warrior for the light. Except you worship the void.

That’s like having a demonic druid.

Or a melee hunter…

Wait blizzard already trolled us with that one.


i didnt breakdance over the lore. i selected already existing helf groups, namely void elves generally, silver covenant and high elf wayfarers, specifically, and a nice bit of intrigue with rationale, to start the whole thing rolling. but you said yucky, and i said, okay. done trying

I think the issue w that is realistically how long would it be until Alliance HE fans start complaining to turn the class skin off or ask for a glyph to make it like the normal version of the class (using the same arguments here basically that they want their HE paladins)

You can already see the argument w entropic embrace being asked to be turned off etc

If Blizzard gave them an exclusive class in the future like how NEs and BEs have DH I wouldn’t be pressed because it would be a new class that I would assume makes sense for them etc


he’s not talking holy paladin, methinks

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yep. void knight nonsense is just a shield they hold up as they sneak their glyph or w.e underneath. anyone can see through these people


I find your lack of vision disturbing.

Nah but for real; my issues go down to Paladin being a gameplay restricted by a far too limited fantasy. I think WoW is ripe to explore the concept of what is sacred and their believers weilding that powers, in a way that’s not limited to “the light.”

More so, there’s just so much potential in Light being a part of the cycle with Void. Seeing that explored also in the Paladin lore instead of just the Discipline spec could be interesting worldbuilding.

so no new classes for velfs because everything will be a conspiracy to steal stuff from horde. lol

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All paladins are holy.

Prot Pallys use the light to protect them.

Ret palies use the light to smite enemies.

The paladin as qn entity doesn’t exist without the light, it’s not interchangeable. Like if you remove light… they are just warriors. But paladins as a class have always been zealots for the light, or whatever religious stand in is used.

They would need an entirely new class created.


Thank goodness the expansion was already announced and it still didn’t happen. I truly hope it NEVER does.


It’s not a conspiracy when you are actively trying to take everything from blood elves to jelly them into the alliance to push a narrative.

I can not wait for the blood elf dragon form to be launched. When void elves will decent on the forums in droves to try and steal every customization option they have as well.


yeah voidadin, consecration is void puddle. like flip pally upside down.

They have that already.

It came out in wotlk.

It was called a death knight.

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they do have some spiffy stuff but two toned velf hair requests predated dracs lol

There was no rational, you made up Paladin wayfayers without any effort on explaining why a paladin (especially an elf paladin) would ever be there. The Wayfayer scholars make sense, as the original contingent of Void elves was originally made up of Magisters, but why would any light-wielding character ever decide to join them and forsake everything they learned as paladins?

Yeah, I honestly could see this happening, but given Blizzard’s track record - I wouldn’t be surprised if they are planning on giving Void elves Paladins in some capacity already. And if that is true, I’d rather them have the idea of “Void Knights” in their heads as a compromise than to just flat out throw them Paladins.

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I’m afraid y’all ended what little sympathy I had for alliance players with your incessant insatiable demands and tantrums.


Are you afraid it might work?

death is not polar opposite of light. void is though

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