Blizzard should add High Elven Paladins to Void Elves like they added Highborne Mages to Night Elves

Did what I was afraid to for the fear of my forum account lol. At least now he’ll slink back into whatever corner of the internet he crawled out of now that people brought up his past again.


If Blizzard bans me I’ll take it to Twitter. I’m sure they’d love the idea of Blizzard banning people for warning their community about sexual harassers. You know, given recent events.


Well…about that the last time this was mentioned this is what you had to say:


i still cant stomach what that community will tolerate as long as you support their cause



I know I’m just going against it on principle, I’m 100% ambivalent to VE Paladins. But I seriously dislike how High Elven Paladins get overplayed as a core aspect of High Elf fantasy. They aren’t. There are only 2 named alliance High Elf paladins, and they have no lore significance whatsoever (unlike, say, the 2 Night Elven paladins that have whole questlines dedicated to them, yet they aren’t a class/combo)

The Silver Hand elven Paladins in Legion are as likely to be Blood Elves given they have BE voice sets, blue eyes either a bug, or a nod to the fact that since Darnarian we have gotten blue eyed BE’s in game sporadically.

Asking for Paladins as a “necessity” of the HE fantasy is just, inaccurate. Yes, ask for them because you want them, but I don’t get the need to misrepresent them as something the HE identity needs.

And to let that override any considerations one should have to make regarding Void Elves and their canonical relationship to the light, is just gauche.


Literally told the person who came forward w the story to “stop playing victim” oh dear.

Also I love how they gave a whole college thesis on being one of the like 4 HE community people to “accidentally” start writing my name on the forums instead of like you know your forum avatar.


i honestly dont think blizz is gonna give anything else to helf fans. it’ll eventually fade away, like the alliance is doing, and you can take ease.

they doxxed you? sheesh

  1. I was listening to the audio book of the Sylvanas book.

When she heard the word paladin she became confused and repeated the word as a question. It had to be explained to her.

That doesn’t lend itself well to the high elf fans’ fan fiction about high elf paladins being a thing.

  1. I checked my log in screen and couldn’t find a race called high elf. How could they add a class to a race that isn’t playable.




Like 4 separate people. 2 of the people on multiple occasions and each time it was “oh sorry accident lol”

Then some goblin poster came in to tell me how I deserved it and didn’t learn my lesson about opposing HE options it’s literally like stuff you can’t make up it’s so insane and also very weird all because we disagree on pixel elves lol


not to worry. alliance is fading, helfs and velfs will too.

As I said, I’m not against VE/HE Paladins. I’m just not in favor to the lack of due consideration it should be given to the VE lore.

There are many, many proposals that account for it and would lead to essentially, HE Paladins on the side. I just don’t vibe with the lack of consideration for VE’s as a race, and I say this as a HE fan.

I do get :confused: when people make a good point, followed by a bad one.

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man i’m sorry lan. that was uncalled for.


You said the Wayfayers could be paladins but didn’t give any examples on why a Paladin would ever consort with the void in the first place. Heck Void elves can’t even enter the church without being shoo’d away at the door, and in some cases even threatened to leave.

Grand Anchorite Almonen goes on this huge serman condemning the dark as light’s greatest enemy.

Friends, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to the temple today.

A’dal has been most generous in his revelations to me, a humble servant of the light.

In accordance with my divine calling, I must share these revealed truths to all who would hear.

It has been made known to me that inside each of us, the Light resides…

…that it is a gift, given freely to all naturally born beings.

It manifests itself as a feeling, small at first and easily ignored, that confirms truths and subtly prods one to do good.

Simple kindnesses, charitable deeds, service to those in need. These are all fruits of the Light.

It rewards those who heed its promptings with blessings, both seen and unseen.

Personal reservoirs of hope and faith are strengthened, and one’s capacity for greater good increases.

Over the course of time, through obedience to the Light’s guidance, one becomes more sensitive to its voice, and its power.

Great is the healing and blessing power of the Light’s most diligent followers.

Sadly, there are those who wander through mortality in defiance of the Light.

From these the Light withdraws, until only darkness remains.

Where there is no light, despair, loathing and rage thrive.

We are born into a perilous age, where the forces of darkness are determined to bring about our destruction.

These are the times to find yourselves in unison with the Light.

Hear my words, and let the Light inside of you confirm the truth of them.

Embrace the light that is in you, my friends! Deny yourself all darkness…

We must endure these trying times faithfully, and one day we will find ourselves victorious.

There’s literally a 10 minut sermon where

Secondly the Wayfayers have not become Void elves yet, and if hypothetically one was a light-wielder, would it really make sense that they’d be willing to infuse, and transform themselves with the power of the void?

“Embrace the light that is in you, my friends! Deny yourself all darkness…”

“We are born into a perilous age, where the forces of darkness are determined to bring about our destruction.”

The idea that anyone penitent in the light would ever consort with the void, is pretty hard to believe for most people.


i included that in my idea. intrigue between alleria and the velfs vs. veressa, turalyon (secretly) and the high elf wayfarers/silver covenant.

dont sweat the little stuff. its not gonna happen. even if i accounted for that, its not worth debating it with you cause its like you are only acknowledging bits and pieces. i like ya softsong. the helf/velf nightmare will fade away.

The helf community already has paladins.

Since tbc.

You train them in the high elf city.

Was actually a cool little quesline till they nerfed it in cata I think.


IMO, a good concept for “HE Paladins” can only exist as a good concept for VE Paladins. HE fantasy is just ancillary, we really don’t need a reasons why High Elves can be paladins. They can. That’s pretty much it.

“High Elven” options on the VE model are secondary, and welcomed, but the necessity is for any idea to fit Void Elven identity. Class Skins is a wonderful idea IMO, the aesthetic difference of a “Void” powered Paladin could be amazing, specially given Light and Void are a cycle.

As long as Void Paladins can be made to work, HE Paladins will also happen.

really? i never knew. hehe