The world is full of people of all kinds. Games tend to reflect that. I don’t consider this most recent additions to the character roster as something that is forced on me.
I mean, if by that do you mean I dislike the fact that rape is largely unreported and unpunished in their country, then yeah I guess I’m applying “Western” ideals there.
Their treatment of the Ainu is pretty bad by the standards of most cultures.
Rape is largely unreported and unpunished in the west as well.
That is unfortunately correct. It is much, much worse in Japan.
that’s normal tho
My personal favorite is “Grrrr Outrage Culture” and then those same people then proceed to be outraged over some little dialogue in a game.
i don’t see many games represent other types of schizophrenia.
why represent one if not the others?
But isn’t the male body what made them trans in the first place? Wouldn’t being released from it make you not trans anymore?
Japan is the only place I’ve been asked point blank to leave a shop because I missed the “Japanese only” sign out front.
So are gay people, unless you’re in a conservative bubble or just arrived in a time machine from 1950.
Yeah, the racists and bigots are really horrible about that. Look at how many are in here yelling racist stuff about black people who are tired of being summarily executed for no good reason, or losing their mind because a character is different. They’re just trying to spread their hate and recruit kids into their horribleness and don’t really care about games except as a front in their culture war.
Those are also the countries with the highest suicide rates in the world. Any society that looks like the apex of utopia on the outside actually has a steep cost.
You don’t know a thing about abpsych if you think gender dysphoria and schizophrenia are the same thing.
Like the 99% false cases metoo movement you say is from brave females? Hopefully after JB 20 million lawsuit these will stop. And you want that garbage in japan to? God help us. You are the scary people we need to keep away from japan.
Yeah, I won’t bother replying to you again.
i know pimozide cured it for a quite a few people in the 90’s.
By other black people you mean?
Yooooo thank you. This has been some gaming culture and manipulation in a nutshell over the past few years. I was starting to think I was taking crazypills with how openly hostile folks have started becoming.
Guess the true snowflakes are the friends we made…
Wait wrong line.