Blizzard Says Trans Rights

But they do have LGBT characters all the time. They just don’t make it a focal point of the character. It tends to just be a feature.

I’m stealing this. It’s stolen.


There is an important difference: if you are really good, you can make the person feel stupid. You ain’t never making a pigeon feel stupid.


Very well said. Thanks!

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Trans rights, give worgen tails.


Japan games are indeed great because they don’t really do censorship.

But that goes both ways. I hated it when they censored Sylvanas’ midriff and I hated it when they replaced Hearthstone Succubi with Felhounds.

I’ll hate it just as much if they censor the existence of trans people.

Censorship is bad, no matter which side of the political spectrum argues for it.


Which is a real shame since they could have bonded over the racism and such


Which is funny because American is trying to inject their PC culture to japan right now after western comicbook failed so miserably with their wokeness.

Go back to last month. This is July now. Barbecue and America’s Independence Day awaits.

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Dude I can’t even begin to imagine hating people that aren’t even harming me. That’s just not healthy and probably poisons the mind.


I have no idea what trans people did to warrant the amount of scorn they receive. Why can’t we all just be chill and kind to each other?


I grew up in Japanese culture, not being Japanese myself. I was ostricized, bullied physically and verbally, denied opportunities, and generally treated like garbage. My own father wouldn’t even fly a blue carp for me on boy’s day, 'cause he had to hide me from his new Japanese family, like I didn’t exist.

Yeah, good times.

My race is irrelevant other than to say, I am not Japanese.


Sexism is a pretty big problem there as well. There is a reason you don’t see many females taking the main role in Japan related content, most notably anime. Only certain studio’s will do that stuff as well.


What is bad about that? Imagine thinking letting in refugees and immigration in japan is a good thing.

Ah yes, the most advanced/low crime rate countries in the world japan and south korea, what do they need? Diversity. Since it helped so much in 2015 in europe with you know who.


Yeah, reading about their rape culture has made it harder for me to really enjoy Japanese things.


well, they inject their selves into pretty much every hobby we enjoy and stuff it full of crap to make it all about their identity instead of just an escape from real life like it used to be.

i didn’t have much of a problem till they started doing that.


Are you judging another culture with your Western ideals?

Tends not to work that way, at least long term.

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Japan’s population is aging and its native population can’t sustain a strong birth rate. Economists have been warning Japan for decades that its xenophobia is going to spell untold economic disaster and its inevitable decline as a player on the world stage, which we’re already seeing play out now.


It’s more hilariously hypocritical than anything, they say: they don’t want politics or want it shoved down their throat when there’s even a whisper, of a gay character, but don’t even bat an eye or even celebrate when a heterosexual couple is announced.