Blizzard Says Trans Rights

Bruh, you don’t know how false your stats are. They are so false it is funny. You have to be trolling.


conservatives suck too, they are like
“Yeah, get to know this NEW, gay, black, jewish conservative that speaks against cultural homomarxism”

give me a break lol

If you actually lived in Japan, you’d know there’s movements there already.

Or do you not take your own transit system?


How many people from the “metoo” movement have been sent to jail. Cosby weinsten and?
Thought so. Hopefully angry joe will sue for defamation as well.


It’s pretty easy to know things that aren’t true, apparently.

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Go back to the chans racist.


Why did they announce it today instead of during Pride month? lol…

i hope one day you get the mental health support you need


Mental health? Oh boy, imagine saying that in this type of thread. I cannot stop laughing.


lol It’s beautiful that you can’t process a critical thought and just “REEEEE” when you’re challenged.


Just like any country that has problems? Boy, boy oh boy would I love to talk about the problems in the US.

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So u saying the case at Ubisoft arent real even tough sme has written proof. Sorry but lots of people are trash and think they can get away with no repercussions.

you can read all about it on the .gov website. cdc? something like that.

taking regular pimozide pills removed all desire for reassignment.

Natural story progression is fine. It is forced when you say “well, its time to put one of these in so we can put a check in the box”

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In all fairness, not many of your thoughts are all that critical.


It wasn’t really an announcement, the character was already in game with gender neutral pronouns. They just decided in their latest alpha build to correct the pronouns based on feedback, and took the time to explain their reasoning because…

because all the people who keep posting in this thread exist, unfortunately.


Don’t want to be called a racist, don’t spew racist bile. Pretty simple that.


I don’t see very many trans characters in popular media. And even if that is the case, I wouldn’t see it as an excuse to start hating them or anything. What do they do to those stories that are so terrible?

Is that meant to be a “gotcha”? Statistics on their own are worthless without surrounding context.

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Why? It’s an interesting idea that hasn’t been done before in game. Sorry, would you like to go kill 10 sheep for the 70th time? I’m sure you don’t morally agree with every single quest you’ve done before in game so what’s the big deal?

Some quests we’re given pretty much have us murdering petty criminals. Bunch of orcs stole our flour! KILL THEM. That is more like something to be sensitive over instead of a quest chain following of someone discovering themselves =/


When your parents instill a certain view in you from a young age you can’t really blame them, it’s not right and you can try to explain it to them. But they’ll insist that their old ways point of view is better. I pity racists and bigots because they don’t even realize it.