Blizzard says 80%+ will quit and that's why layering is needed

Talking about after phase 2 goes live…

Example if you had 5 layers on a “server” and each layer is essentially full, then it would be wise to take each layer and make it it’s own real server.

While in “layer” format they’re essentially their own server any way, but the difference is they share a player pool and auction house.

What better way to handle this than make the layers “sticky” meaning you cannot swap layers without going to town first and joining with other’s who’re also in town. (that mechanism not my idea, but a great idea to eliminate layer swapping)

Secondly each layer can be formulated by friends lists and guilds, this way the community is as healthy as it can possibly be.

This way once the layering “Ends” in phase 2, they can then divide servers by layer so that each one is it’s own “server”.

Each layer is not however made of a static number of players, but based on the number of players who’re on line (time of day).

Gotta think “4th dimensionally” on this LOL.

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No. There really wouldn’t. Whatever you used, its not math, its imagination.

And don’t get queues because of sharding and CRZ.

TBC had roughly 250 servers and a population of 10 million many of which were simply paying subscription, not playing, and we got those queues for at least the first two weeks on my server. It got to the point that I’d come home at lunch and log in, so that I could be online when I got home.

Because and wait for it… CLASSIC IS BETTER


I have 120 of every class and 3 classes at 400+ ilvl.

Yea shame on me for wanting to play the best version of wow when im stuck in this garbage we call bfa


You are still failing to grasp the numbers!

Classic =/= vanilla when it comes to potential player base at launch.

You already have a HUGE number of possible players that are currently subbed.

Now, are you talking about opening a gazillion servers? Then maybe time that low… But no one wants ques.

Here’s something that contradicts you.



That makes you a Classic player, not a BfA player who will return to BfA…

Your MS paint skills are… well something.

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Doesn’t change the fact that people are going to see a 40 minute queue and say “Nah I’ll play something else.” Don’t need to unsub, just hit cancel, then hit quit.

Also that link kinda proves the point of “whatever your private server reference point is, multiply it 100 fold.”

This is exactly why we need another stress test. Today Blizzard. DO IT! DO IT NOW! YOU WILL GIVE US ANOTHER STRESS TEST! <3

No… its not. Name one successful game in the last 5 years that has ques.

I feel like this has nothing to do with layering, and everything to do with playing :wink:


Final Fantasy 14

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what do you think they’ll do when they log in after ~2 months and see a 24 hour queue because everybody picked the same realm and now layers are gone

Its likely layering won’t last even a month or two after release. It’s why they’ve been testing this week collapsing layers.

They said they plan to remove layering by p2 at the latest. It’s likely certain layers would be removed at different times for different servers. For the average player, they won’t hit 60 in this time and there won’t be a purpose to abuse it.

The only people who notice this issue more so than the common player are streamers who naturally bring massive amounts of players making layering more apparent.

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Has 10 minute queues at worst. I’d know, I play on two of the top 3 most populated servers.

40 minute queues? Never.


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Yeah weird and the game is more popular now than ever. Almost like gasp server architecture has improved.

This has everything to do with layering! More playing must be done! Wait no,Testing must be done!


Now, go search twitter and if they have forums for all the posts where people LOVED the ques. Go on. ill wait.

Point is… you are fighting something with a valid fear, but it’s just not seeing that layering is not the end all to the game. As long as we get fixes for abuses and it is removed after the rush dies down.

But NO ONE wants or praises ques, my friend.

Loving hour long queues, and understanding why they’re necessary and better than layering, are two different things.