Blizzard says 80%+ will quit and that's why layering is needed

Does Blizzard resent its former success, or have they simply gotten use to their games flopping?

Even if half the population quits, the logic for layering is completely flawed. They’re introducing layering to keep people happy so that they don’t quit - but we need layering because everyone’s going to quit.

If you trust the guys who made BfA, then trust layering. Otherwise, admit it’s a horrific blunder and stop being a part of the problem. Successful games use server queues.


You clearly don’t understand the purpose of Layering if your saying this.


Given the Classic sub is colated with Retail, I think their statement is pretty on the mark.

And given all the moaning and whining about congestion from Server 15, I think the claims that everyone will fall in love with it, are wildly inflated.


No, I understand it. They believe that the servers will have 20k players at first, then two weeks later, it will be down to 3k and layering can be turned off.


It’s not even how many quit, it’s that over time there will be less people trying to log on at the same time.


Exactly that. They don’t want people to join a server that is “highly populated”, spend a few months leveling and what-not in that server, only for the majority to leave and that person is now wasted like a month’s or so’s worth of work in a server that now only has like 10 people playing on it. Server transfer most likely wont be a thing in Classic.


So layering isn’t even needed to fix that problem.

Inevitably, over time, people will spread out and login at different times.


Right so it will be needed at launch just like blizzard planned.


Uh, no. Why overreact to a problem that will be resolved within a day as people log off and/or spread out from leveling?


It is a system meant to scale, so…if layers start to thin out, you will have less layers so as to meet certain player-per-layer thresholds. It will go just as planned, scaling from many players to few players.


That logic only applies to the first day or two. After a week, login attempts normalize - in every game. If the number of players at the 7 day mark is higher than the number of players at the 14 day mark, that means people are quitting. Literally.

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I think you are missing the point. They are introducing layering so that after people quit, there will be enough people left for a healthy server population. The worst thing that could happen to Classic is being two months into it with all the servers being dead ghost towns.


If they’re going to quit, then let them quit after the first hour - there’s zero point to having layering for weeks in lv60 zones


got a source for that quote, OP?
ain’t seeing it on the blue tracker; 80%+ is alot


If the world were that simple Blizzard could just create servers and label them so that people who are going to quit will roll on those servers… but no one knows which people will be hooked on Classic, and which people won’t enjoy it. The only thing we know for sure is that there will be both types of people rolling characters on day one.


This is why good games invented server queues. If people are hooked, they wait in queue. Easy.


Did Blizzard said that?.

Grabs tinfoil hat


Because that won’t happen over the course of one day.

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Aside from keeping friends together, is there an issue with just reallocating the characters to another server if it is closed?

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classic is screwed, let’s just continue on with our lives & stop being losers pog

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