Blizzard says 80%+ will quit and that's why layering is needed

“an hour”.

Not sure if you realise the numbers here, but it’s more likely to be queues of 15k-30k and wait times of many hours if not days.

Even with layering, if they have the expected 3-4 layer cap, there’ll still be queues on every server.


It’s completely relevant because it’s what layering is designed to solve.

With layer there is a buffer when the population drops off before you start dropping from high population down to mid, low, or even basically a ghost town.

Without laying if a single server does lose 80% of its population, it drops down to 600 total players from 3000. With layering if you had 15000 players on the server to begin with, you drop down to 3000.

So what do you do in that scenario where you end up with a server where you have that little people?

Why do we keep going back to an A) or B) scenario?

If you don’t like Live that is fine. But to lump all live players in with that is not fair. Nor fairer than if we lump someone against Live as a law-breaking pserver shill.

There can be a combination. Growth and retention. Its presumptuous to assume everyone who plays BFA will leave because they play BFA. There will be attrition, and we can’t speculate those numbers to the T… Blizzard has better data and they can’t nail it down. That’s why adjustments and systems like Layering are in.

Please, no more you are either THIS or THAT.

We are all Warcraft Players


I am playing BFA therefore I am a BFA player. I WILL NOT be leaving to come back to BFA

There goes your argument mr white knight

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You’re invested in BfA but you’re ready to give it all up for Classic? Sounds less like a BfA player and more like a Classic player killing time until August…

Funny how “Hah I found a single example” can’t kill a generalization.

Also, post on your 120 then.

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Are you talking post tourists? That makes no sense. The best way to make a layer feel like an individual server is to make it an individual server.

I have been playing BFA since it released… What qualifies me as a BFA player since you’re here to talk down to people?

Stop throwing your opinion around likes it’s some kind of scientific fact.


No, they are not fine for the modern day. People have busy schedules and want to play. The numbers are larger than you can fathom who want to cram into the shoe. And those crazy people who want to go for world firsts would def disagree with you.

Its just fear.

TLDR: People do NOT want ques. . for anything.


You’re not a BfA player if you’re going to give it all up the moment Classic comes out…


It’s different in Vanilla than it is in BfA
Here’s how queues work:


When I was in a 5000 person queue in TBC, it was an estimated wait of 4 hours. Scale that up to 50,000 people.

Someone has to get out before you can get in.

Also, how does it work in BfA? I’ve never been on enough to see one.

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I still think Sharding 1-5 zones would be better then layer.

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*sharding. There’s no phasing.

Lol. I dont think I have ever seen people as angry as they were in the WoD launch. I promise you, that did not “work fine”.


You just brought back a memory I thought I repressed.

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TBC had a population of 10 million and that queue was on literally opening day. For your math to check out there would have to be 100 million people trying to play Classic. The BfA servers are tiny and everyone piles onto 3 or 4 specific ones. It’s different for Vanilla.

Here is a reasonable alternative to layering


Honestly what blizzard is doing is 200 IQ. Getting all the whiny entitled retail players to move on from classic ASAP so population management becomes easier.


A) plenty of servers were worse than that.

B) Plenty of servers were still not stable at BC launch

C) 40 minute queues are still unacceptable.


D) TBC was a successful game with 10x as many players as BfA and 10x smarter developers

E) You’re wrong, waiting an hour during opening week of an MMO is an accepted standard


This. Most upward movement in that queue probably comes from people seeing 40 minutes and quitting the game entirely, not people getting in.