Blizzard says 80%+ will quit and that's why layering is needed

Can’t get any clearer than this really. No layering, no sharding, just queues and yet, somehow… the games are a massive success regardless. Hmm…:thinking:

Hold on. Sir, please calm down. :policewoman::raised_hand: You had a little bit too much to think.

Let me remind you that “layering is a necessary evil”, and without it, Classic is doomed to fail. Understood? Good.

Move along now, nice and slow, hands where i can see 'em. :policeman::point_right:


Yes and I have a real problem of how to spend all my lottery winnings when I finally win, unfortunately I dont think planning for things that wont happen is a good strategy.

I don’t understand why some people are upset that some of us loved the game in 2004, and don’t like the direction it grew in. It’s not the same game. That’s why some of us went to the private servers. This might bring some of us back as paying customers. Why would that upset anyone?


It is. . And understanding that your hatred of layering is not equal to the loss of people playing if they have to wait to log in.

That might be fine. That might be your goal.

But I want Classic to prosper. So Layering is a necessary evil… Much better than cross realm and sharding.

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hehe. I do not believe one single FF game has ever matched the player base of a world of Warcraft game.

Correct me if I am wrong.

Oh… NA and EU that is… Asian markets do not count in this calculation because that market is MUCH different than ours.

Did someone say it was doomed to fail without it?

I think most of us are just addressing the fact its not a cut and dry thing and a catch 22.

Is that twice you have projected things onto so-called quotes by those who are opposite your opinion? Or was that someone else?

Assuming every currently subbed player joins Classic at launch and every inactive subbed player returns for Classic, you’re talking at minimum, 15 million players returning for the launch.

If we have the layering system, the players will be able to enter the game and play, barring the obvious server lag problems. However, take away the layering and there will be those insanely long queues that will cause hours upon hours of back up. Players who lack the time because of their personal lives, will cancel out and exit the game. Some will wait for another day when servers won’t be as backed up, others will just give up. I, for one, don’t want to sit and wait for hours JUST to get into one game. If I want that, I’ll queue up for a ranked solo queue in League of Legends as a Top and Mid Laner.

Looking at BFA’s launch: by far the smoothest launch Blizzard had. All the kinks and problems happened during the pre-patch and Blizzard is fully away of the possible resurgence of players who miss the original game.

Point stands: Layers keep the game running smoothly. Don’t like it? Play an eventually shut down Private server if you want to experience “[Server] is Full! [Number] in queue.” I don’t, and I’ve dealt with BC’s and Wrath’s issues in the past. Hard pass on the queues. I’d rather be able to create my characters and sit in a starter zone and just take in the old world while fighting for spawns. At least then I’m in.

Did you know that night-club promoters commonly create a long line outside of an empty club to hype it up?

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Nope. . Because I don’t frequent those types of establishments.

So layering is bad but he has yet to give one valid reason for layering being problematic.

People quiting is a valid concern because its 2019 not 2004, games get hype have lots of people log on then move on to the next big thing after a short time and the population stabilizes. Blizz is expecting millions of players at launch, and the biggest private servers which are free are just breaking a hundred thousand. 5 mill to 500,000 you make servers for 5 mil players for a month you have dead servers after a month, you have servers for 500,000 you have 90% of your players not able to play, thats a way to get them to quit fast. Also those queues are not hours long those queues are measured in days.

By the way - just because folks have a different opinion on layering doesn’t mean they want the game to fail.


The vast majority of players in Classic at launch will likely be tourists from Retail.

Most of them will quit very quickly, because:

  • they don’t like being unable to complete any start area quests due to lack of mobs and shared tags;
  • they get bored of the dated simple gameplay;
  • they get cheesed off with the dated graphics;
  • they never had any intention of progressing in Classic. They just logged in at launch to satisfy their mild curiosity to see what WoW was like 15 years ago.

What is a pog? “Pee on Grave”? I see that a bit lately

Uh. . That’s what I just told the other person silly. I think you might be reading something into something?

That literally was what I just told them.

Thanks for reading.

You might not like me…but can you not misrepresent me?

The corollary is…


A leap to an assumption on your part.

ALso might be nice for the full context. Even if it does not prove your point.

Provide a link to Blizzard mentioning 80% leaving please.

I don’t think Blizzard needs to concern itself with people quitting. With all of the bad decisions recently, they should be more concerned with how many actually join to start with x-D.

I’ll give you a couple.
Layer hopping for node farming (exploit made possible by layers)
Layer hopping to get to a faction in balance to you favour (reduction in PvP danger - fast leveling exploit)
Layer hopping to escape world PvP while in combat (fast leveling exploit)
Joining or leaving a group puts you in another layer in an area you just cleared (instant respawns on you or a rare you are inviting a friend to help you kill vanishes)

These are things we are already experiencing with the system.


That’s not your call is it? When you run an online game company, then you can make the call.

Meanwhile Blizzard is doing what they feel is best. Doesn’t matter whether you, I or anybody else agrees. Take a pill and get over it.


I think they’re actually so bad that losing as much sub as they did in BFA is considered a normal cyclical player base for them, it’s impressive the amount of denial from current WoW management.

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