EDIT: Watching this, the Black Knight reminds me of so many people arguing on the forums. No matter how much you tear holes in the arguments, they keep claiming they’re invincible.
Pago already posted it. Perhaps you should at least attempt to formulate your own opinion rather than just accept whatever opinion is spoon-fed to you and called yours. You think you do, but you don’t - some guy giving people opinions.
It’s easy to say the sky is blue because god made it that way, but does that really explain why it is blue?
If someone is about to drive off a cliff, do you tell them they are about to drive off a cliff, or do you just let them drive off a cliff? They are insisting that Wal-Mart is that way, and everyone else is saying no stop, turn around, there’s a cliff there, would you stand by them that wal-mart is that way, and perhaps even encourage them to keep going that way?
Given how much I’m telling you that not Layering is a path to destruction, I think the answer is clear.
The difference here between all your examples and the truth, is that there are good reasons to Layer the realms in the first few weeks. But you can’t acknowledge that those issue are real, because then it would undermine your stubborn refusal.
There is evidence to the contrary, according to the recorded subscribers timeline. Subs are and have been in decline, ever since all of these convenience oriented changes (QOL) were made. It’s not a coincidence. Well, enjoy your ride ^.^
The only QoL change we’re talking about here is Layering. If you’re conflating everything else, that pretty much makes your argument irrelevant to Layering.
Ah, so layering is a QOL change? You are right, layering is part of the qol changes that have caused subs to decline. Another thing I really disliked about the whole thing was having my hard earned levels bastardized. I sorta figured at the time that everyone who ever played it would have to go through the same trials and tribulations if they wanted to ever get where I was. It made the accomplishment feels so much more real. Nowadays all your levels and work is pretty much nullified each and every patch and expansion.
I for instance, think it was the introduction of Goblins and Worgen that led to subs decline, because you know after they were introduced, subs started going down :O)
Eloraell, you’re a self proclaimed BfA player who expressed having no interest in playing Classic long term. We get it, no amount of persuasion is going to change your mind because you’re indifferent to the game succeeding. Layering sucks, there are other alternatives for people who plan to stay long term. Those solutions don’t accommodate tourists (ie you) - we’re fine them, you’re not for obvious reasons.