Blizzard says 80%+ will quit and that's why layering is needed

In the very Classic announcement, they said they didn’t want to repeat the failures of the original launches.

And those players will still try out Classic in the release window just to confirm how much they hate it.

The problem I feel OP has is he wants what is best for himself, not what is best for the company of Blizzard.

We’re going to have layering because Blizzard wants massive numbers of people to log into the game opening week to report on those numbers and understand people will quit there after.

They don’t want people to see the queue and quit there, they want them to log onto the game.

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WotLK was a failed launch? It was a very smooth launch, probably the most stable MMO launch in history - and that was when there was 10m+ people trying to log in at once. Even TBC wasn’t half bad. Only early Vanilla was bad - but that’s because they were only prepared for 100k players and got 1m up front. If TBC/WotLK could handle 8-10m+ players on launch day, Classic should be able, to as well.

That’s the rub. By all estimates, the game hasn’t had more than 6 Million players since MoP.

The infrastructure for 10 million+ players no longer exists at present. Even on the retail side.

Hey well good news - Classic will probably launch with 1-2m, which should be easy to handle without phasing/layering/etc

I could see up to 3 million returning players in the first month. Which is a bit different than in the first week, or first day, or first few hours.

Returning players also doesn’t count the BFA players you decide to check things out, which could possibly add another Million or more easily depending on whatever BFA’s numbers actually are at this point.

If it is “free” to subscribers there will be a significant number of people that try it out, it is just human nature, most people are going to try something if it is free…
Hopefully this pre-signup for names gives them at least a small peak into how many are interested. It will probably give them a good figure on dedicated players that intend to stay with the game (why else put time into reserving a name)

As someone who was on a dead realm in vanilla and later past cata. I disagree completely. A lot different raiding with 25 man raids and 40 man raids on a dead realm. A lot.

The “failures” were server meltdowns and lag, not having hordes of people in areas competing over mobs. Feel free to call “lots of people” a failure.

And your point is?

Actually, one of the failures was massive queues.

That we need layering, because 80% of the players will quit? i.e. the premise of this post.

That eurogamer link is from 2010…lol. We get it, you don’t like layering.

Those lags and crashes happened because the servers could not handle the hordes of people. Obviously Blizz has figured out what around that but also worth noting is that their current hardware CAN handle the sheer horde of people without crashing. That is why many (myself included) want them to backoff on the layering. If the servers can handle the load it is better to be over populated than under populated but diluting the Vanilla experience and economy due to people abusing the system. WOW is a SOCIAL game, forcing people to group up to get thru a choke point or a big mob is what it is about and helps build the community.

Blizz has stated they are using layering on launch and it will be removed in phase 2. I am not a fan of the idea but I do get it given pretty much unknown demand for launch. That said I am hoping that they will be ontop of the server data. Looking at load and player progression thru the starter areas and start pulling back layering before phase 2 to get the community rolling and also halt any layering abuse that will hurt the economy long term.

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As long as layering is very temporary I don’t have an issue with it but sever 3 was like a graveyard due to over layering.

As far as I can tell, that was intentional, to see our reaction.


No, Ion specifically promised it would be removed in the first few weeks, and laughed when people asked if it would affect World Bosses in Phase 2.

Your statement and mine, are world’s apart.

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They got our reaction, hopefully they take it to heart.


That is good news for sure. I didn’t see Ion’s recent comments, I was just sharing what I had seen mentioned previously that it was going to be tied with phase 2.

A static game isn’t going to have a growing player base…

I found the solution…


Afk from Blizzard until they develop or fix there payload

It might have a static player base, though - or at least not die off in 2 weeks like they want to think