Blizzard says 80%+ will quit and that's why layering is needed

What’s up with threads that mention anything about vanilla classic in GD getting massive amounts of hate from retail players (and mods, who import that drama into the classic forum)?

There is a not small number of retail players who outright loathe even casual discussion about classic.

Are you playing dumb, or do you really not understand that those first few days are crucial?

have you ever experienced a new expansion launch?

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Make sure I’m in a guild, for starters.

If the faction balance is fairly even, a 200 person server would be awesome. If its a pvp server.

Lets just say there is a large spike in people quiting after a few weeks… BUT what if its not the 80% that is being spoken of…what if its only 40 to 50%? Thats a lot of extra players still on a server that when layering is gone, what will it do?

This glorious Vanilla Dev right here, Kevin Jordan, really is on point with how i also feel things will happen for Classic, especially if the game just releases the way it was announced to from the beginning (no shlayering):


I don’t think people in this thread understand how layering works…

Of course they’re crucial, which is why they shouldn’t be ruined with layering.

Every single one of them. It’s great fun.

I was on Tichondrius during WoD’s launch. 20k+ queue times. Still better than layering.

Blizzard said it will be okay so it okay

Because classic WoW is a niche product. That’s why. Will 80% actually quit? Who knows. But gaming has moved on and for all the things classic did really well, it did a lot of things wrong too. If you’ve never played classic and just want to try it, I can see people getting bored really fast, because classic did have a lot of design flaws. I liked Classic, but I can see why some people would not.

I know because I had the exact same reaction when I tried the Elder Scrolls Morrowind. I said “I like Oblivion and Skyrim and I’ve played ALL the main fallout games including the old crpgs. Maybe Morrowind will have some old mechanics but it’ll be fun, right?”. Spoiler Alert: Not right. I hated Morrowind. Literally the only things it did well, (even for it’s time) was the story and characters. Everything else felt awful because all the systems had just as many flaws as positives. For example, the combat was actually pretty in depth, but it didn’t matter because all forms of combat felt sluggish and awful due to how combat works in Morrowind.

aight so… either bad faith argument, or a delusionnal fool.

I’m glad blizzard do not listen to such people… too often.

Moved on to what, exactly?
Popular games today are completely devoid of new ideas - and they’re slower.

Retail has all this if you bother with the difficult content. You can dislike retail without lying about it.

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Very untrue. The MMO genre has slowed down production as people spend time with other games. We live in a world where you can buy pretty much any game you can think of and probably find a game in that genre that’s pretty well polished. You don’t have to stick to the “popular” games or the AAA games like you use to. There is a game out there that you will like.

You want to know what games I’ve dusted off this week? A game called Hacknet, where you are a hacker and actually have to type commands in to hack stuff. Recettear, a game where you are the shopkeeper that all the fantasy RPG heroes sell stuff to and have to run your shop. Katana Zero, where you’re a time controlling samarai and plays eerily similarly to hotline miami, except with time powers. Lastly, Dwarf Fortress, because I have a love hate relationship with that game; but at least my fort didn’t die to a were-squirrel this week (no I’m not making that up).

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You said gaming changed. The MMO genre was never big - WoW was big, and never any other

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I get the impression that you didn’t actually fully read any of my responses. Where do you get the impression that I said classic was a bad game. It’s not. It’s also not as insanely awesome as half the forum seems to think it is. Yes, a lot of people aren’t going to like it, and it isn’t necessarily going to be because they’re casuals.

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You only quoted part of my comment, but nothing I said was untrue. I was talking more about leveling and such, where everything matters in one game, and not so much in the other since you can buy a boost, buy some gold, buy everything including a carry. Done.

Yes, you can have fun doing harder content in a group setting. They have always made decent raids. Enjoy.

But, yeah, been there, done that. I’m not interested in doing the same raid over and over and over just on different settings.

Too each their own, but It’s not the same game.

Lmao yeah that 500th running BWL should be epic…

What a joke.

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At least it’s not pretending to be different content when it’s just a different setting.

Again, to each their own. I’ll be doing PvP.

Uh…all of BFA? Pretty sure that’s the most obvious.

So your entire purpose in this classic thread on the classic forums is to inform us that it’s good in some ways, but’s also not good in some ways.

Thank you for your friggin’ valuable service to society, pros and cons man.

Listen to this guy, he is living in the 5th dimension, I never even would have thought that vanilla wasn’t an almighty perfect and flawless game! Thank the light for this person being here to remind us all!