Blizzard says 80%+ will quit and that's why layering is needed

It will grow, but only after it’s burnt off the people who were never going to play Classic anyway.

500k real players.
2 million tourists.

It will grow from the 500k mark, not the 2 million mark.

Two weeks no, I think it’ll go for several months, until people hit the end game grind hard.

I just always get caught off guard when people expect it to have similar success to what the game experienced initially.

There aren’t that many people playing BfA, so your numbers are crap. Most of the people playing Classic will be returning players or people from more popular games like FF14

Considering estimates are putting in more than 2 million current WoW subscriptions, Eloraell is giving the best ballpark we can get save Blizzard’s official counts.

Check out these estimates using statistics, machine learning, Google Trends data, and other useful techniques showing the Post-Catacylsm linear decrease in Retail subscribers:

Following the established trajectory will get you to about 2-3 million subscribers.

Yeah, nah.

Putting that aside, we can rest assured that there won’t be 100% of all global BfA subs logging into Classic. So even if there’s as many subs as you hope, there won’t be that many tourists.

The majority of Classic players will be returning subs and people from other games.

Tourist could be as little as a 5min to 1hour play sessions. With the launch, you can expect players to see a nice big advertisement in their World of Warcraft BattleNet launcher and considering it’s zero-cost investment, I wouldn’t underestimate the number of tourists that arrive in the first month.

Also, please post your statistical and analytical data, would love to see what additional information you have to provide.

P.S.: Google Trends data was not the only source of machine learning training data and was sourced from multiple places to lend to its correlation. It’s something more grounded in fact than the arbitrary “Blizzard says 80%+…” value OP decided to sensationalize this thread with.

Feel free to back up your claims. Here’s one of mine:

And there don’t need to be 2 million active WoW players. But there are definitely more than 2 million subscribed WoW players. And since they all have a subscription, they have Classic access, and will most likely try it. Couple that with plenty of people who come back for nostalgia and don’t find it as satisfying 15 years on, and there will be plenty of people not playing past the first week or two.

Your turn. Prove that your numbers are anything but your pessimistic attitude.

Yes it is. My guild literally has people running stuff every day. Don’t make stuff up just because you don’t like bfa.


It’s you’re

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It’s the internet. Hardly care about my grammar.

Free Pablo

I’m sure you won’t make such mistakes when writing your next paper

Maybe because if someone actually doesn’t like something or a thing…or anything you youngsters always call their posts trolling.

Or BFA launch where the big 5 servers were down for 3 more hours than the smaller ones.

Oh look people all picked the same layer and its full so nothing gets done anyway. Giving players choice on what to start on will NEVER end up in an equal spread of the playerbase.

It’s the internet. The people you’re trying to convince, will dismiss your argument because you can’t write properly.

ok and that happens for layers as they are too. and that happens for more realms also. ur point is?

The current layer implementation assigns people to layers based on density, instead of allowing them to choose…so it doesn’t suffer from this problem.

it does because you assure there will only be 2-3 and at most 4 layers, so the realm will cap out and be queued with everyone on it and nobody else can play

And that’s fine, because the people in the game can play. There won’t be any empty layers though. That’s why we have queues.