Blizzard says 80%+ will quit and that's why layering is needed

This sounds fine to me.

How is this a problem exactly?

Oh look, I have to explain more to the short-sighted person.

You realize WoW isn’t just “BfA” right? Also, not quitting. I am just looking forward to playing Classic over BfA.

I have like 10 120s, several BfA PVP elite sets, all allied races… yeah, still more interested in playing Classic. If I see some drastic improvements I will continue to work on my retail characters.

This reminds me of those quests in Nagrand in Burning Crusade:

"Welcome to the Safari! We absolutely love wildlife and revere nature. It’s so peaceful out here in sunny Nagrand.

Now for your first task, I want you to go forth and massacre 30,000 elk, birds, Elekk, and pretty much any other wild creature you encounter. KILL THEM ALL!!! I want to see piles of corpses! Bring me their body parts as trophies. Get to it"


They already use layering in bfa. Cross realm is a form of layering. ESO Uses layering! It’s not a new unproven system.

That’s a large accusation on that to believe only 20% will be on classic.

I’m one of them!

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Careful. I heard if you play BfA you can’t possibly rather play Classic!


It’s not.

Just personally, not going to play if people can move between layers.

Sharding and CRZ are older and well established tech.

Layering is a variant of Sharding which is different tech, seeking to do something a little bit different from what sharding does.

Well ESO MEGASERVERS are five years old and cross realm zones is blizzard dancing around mega servers legal definition. So new tech it is not. I mean unless you know something about it I don’t. I’m pretty sure it’s just a spin on words and we would be arguing semantics.

That’s a little oversimplified, though, because you’re not considering activity time per player.

The same layer elimination threshold (your example, 20K to 3K) can occur if you have 20K players playing 6 hrs/day at launch followed by 10K players playing 2 hrs/day two weeks later.

This is the thing that is being undersold in all of this. People going from a >12 hours/day play schedule immediately after launch switching back to a < 6 hours/day play routine several days into launch. That one player effectively halves the concurrent population(if not more) once they “shift gears” on their play schedule.

In all of what Blizzard is trying to do, trying to create a healthy concurrency is part of that consideration too.

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I’d suspect they’re looking to make “realms sticky” for players to help foster that whole “Realm identity” thing(day late and a dollar short), rather than essentially placing them in a blender which is what Sharding currently does by way of CRZ.

It also helps deal with the complaints of following a player around in War Mode only for the player to suddenly disappear into another shard.

And War Mode in particular is perhaps where Layering has its biggest and best application in regards to retail.

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I totally get the reason for having layers. Potentially Blizz could have a poopy storm of players signing up for this. Really. Through the years WOW has had over 100 million players total. Let that number settle in for a second. That is a big number and people are going to swarm the game at first for there are a great number of people drooling for this. The numbers could potentially be bigger than any single xpac that has dropped. Blizz understands this and layering will keep the game from being unplayable. Blizz does some dumb things. Sharding and CRZ to make the world seem more populated is just lame. However, in one of those rare moments, Blizz has the right idea. Again the numbers could be massive.


Your kind of idiotic eh?

Vanilla WoW

I don’t know where this ridiculous number came from, but I see why you love using it as a straw man.

As others have said, almost every single current WoW player, plus others who have resubbed just for Classic, will be trying to get in in the first few days. Demand will be massive, far exceeding original launch.

However, those who play and enjoy BfA as it is, remember there are milions of us, will not be, for the most part, dedicated Classic players. More than half will stop playing at all, many will log in from time to time when they have nothing else to do.

Even among those who sub just for classic there will be a drop off, as life happens and people get distracted away.

30 days after launch there might be 50% of the launch population, 60 days out probably less.

But hey, even at those numbers it will still be one of the highest population MMOs currently running. Enjoy yourselves you crazy tedium fetishists. I’m happy for you.

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You know that servers died mere months into vanilla right?

Like months into the game that blew the mmo genre to new heights and had continual player increase throughout its life had dead servers months into it.

Layering is for that reason. Nothing else. Layering is so in a few months when realms die (cause they will just like they did) they don’t have to offer free migrations and transfers.

If the pop doesn’t die down well that’s a lot better reason to offer free migrations and transfers.


Which indicates that it’s not an issue that is so severe, to the point where it can impede success even with it present. In fact, it has done nothing to stop the game from succeeding massively anyway.

Look, I’ve been on a dead realm myself at one point at the end of WotLK, with my whole guild almost falling apart.
At first it was one of the most popular realms, due to the high end PvP and even PvE scene. When most of the big PvP/PvE guys left for other realms to create new opportunities there, the server on the alliance side just died off. Just like that.
It was a ghosttown, recruiting was very difficult. We had to transfer off to keep the guild going.

So we did, and after that, everything was completely fine and we thrived again for the next years.

Ya, it’s unpleasant to end up on a dead realm. No doubt. People move, for all sorts of reasons.
But the moment the damage control (layering) is gone, the same traffic of people moving wherever they feel like is gonna happen again, leading to the same outcomes of dead servers. However, at no point would any of them (on non layered servers) have to play a different game just to prevent dead servers to happen for Blizzard, even if their own realm may be completely fine.

A minority of dead realms is such a non-issue because it’s not even got any significant impact to the point where it can impede the games longterm success in any noticable way. (as seen in early WoW’s sub numbers and popularity)

In fact, we are now looking at having to put in a new, untested (in live) measure to prevent this minor, unpleasant issue that changes up the entire game for weeks or months for every server, just to avoid something as insignificant as a couple low pop realms (which with the alternative i listed everywhere can still be treated) down the line in case of many dropoffs.
It’s really not worth it, at all.
This appraoch just has “You think you want Classic, but you don’t” written all over it.

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Maybe we should say to them what they have been saying to us for years with a little caveat in there “you think you do know but you don’t!”

People are coming back for classic the ones that are coming back are hardcore. We are talking getting the whole guild attuned to MC in a day hardcore.
18 hours a day hardcore, Can’t sleep now only 4 more bars to 45
Eating while tanking Maraudon hardcore. Sandwich in one hand mouse in the other.
Faming Tyr’s hand for days for crusader enchant hardcore.
Oh the lower back pain because I have been in this chair for 5 hours hardcore.

I don’t think as many will quit as they think will. Some of those folks playing BFA now are just loyal and play just because any version of wow is better than most any other MMO. That’s me, and others that I know.

Layering will give everyone a start and try to make efficient as possible the starting zones.

Blizz as high tech as they are can create a event that all 30+ will stay in layer 1 and are not able to enter layers 2,3,4 and 5 even when partying with someone lower than 30 the person in the party lower than 30 joins layer 1.

I’m not sure how but they can create multitudes of events like this so the economy can not be exploited, nor world PVP be evaded simply by partying. At a certain point everyone just needs to move past the point of where layering is not an issue and everyone that hits that qualification are on the original layer.

Let’s wait and see and not get hasty. I for one want to play with all of you not just a partial amount because you hate layering so much you don’t want to play.

I know this I am thrilled I get to go back and do this again that I am not a 24 year old who knows absolutely nothing about this game, but that I get to go back as a 37 year old with years under my belt. To a challenging world with danger around every corner.

I can’t tell you how excited I am, I played the beta every day and It hasn’t satiated the love and determination, I have come august 27th when I can finally play and my work won’t be deleted with a click of a button. I am ready!