Blizzard saved AV! Queue times will plummet next Tuesday

What garbage… what are the advantages that allow alliance to win AV?

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Pfft it’s not an advantage it’s just horde are that GOOD! Got to keep up the narrative. Remember when you’re horde, nothing is an advantage, but if someone else has something you don’t, it is one.

I don’t believe in the concept of white privilege but when it comes to Horde and their thinking, holy cow it fits like a glove.



There’s no comparison on the Ally Base to the Horde Base. Our base is a joke. Every other imbalance one way or another pretty much balances out.

It’s the sole reason 6 min Ally win is possible. We can’t even backdoor into your base you guys don’t even realize the archers and NPCs hit you and knock you out of stealth as a rogue from range. There’s no way for a non-stealthy to even by the NPCs. And the NPCs have 25k-50k hps, socially aggro more NPCs, and the archers hit us inside your base all the way up to the aid station flag. They also hit you starting halfway crossing the bridge.

If we could switch sides Horde would do it in an instant. You guys would never, ever win.

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If I can’t cheat then I’m just done!

Your bottoleneck is near impossible to break even if it’s jsut 10-15 of you guys, alliance cannot hold the bridge with that few.

Rogues can sneak into the bunkers and cap them before Van. It was annoying having to deal with rogue teams. Your base and Gy and starting position is far better. Bridge isn’t an advantage, it’s a loss.

Not to mention you can terrain exploit into Alliance base with ease. There’s a reason alliance doesn’t try defense because it doesn’t work with the base layout.



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More people on Alliance in the queue = shorter queue times.

The sweaty grinder nerds who have been running premades aren’t going to be able to compete with HPH in WSG so they’ll still have to queue. The PUGs who the aforementioned sweaty grinders ran off will also take the queue since the games will be a lot more balanced.

More people = shorter queues


Actually it’s not the sole reason. In reality it was the Horde watching massed Alliance have an uncontested passage through the IB choke. You defend there and Alliance are a fragmented mess trying to scramble back together again.

WSG is good honor…

That’s some great trolling you are doing there, yep. Keep up the good work.

It can be good. But it will never be the best. And you have to have the best HPH for ranking.

Good players are going to WSG … and they’ll probably send out scouts/suiciders to check to see if they’re against another premade…
You can rack up 20-30k hph easy in WSG… just requires more pvp… and less standing on your mount while getting blasted by 3 mages cuz you’re a BRAINLESS NO SPINE PVE RP’ING MORON! THAT DOESNT KNOW HOW TO TIGHTEN UP AND ROCK THE CLUMP/DEATHBALL! and just TRICKLE into the horde base like a cowardly insertword whos got insertword running down his leg.

First of all, yes you can defend the bridge with ‘just 10-15 guys’ less even.

I already said all the other map stuff balances out but SP Choke is the best choke in the map. Our choke is our best map terrain but that’s not saying much since the rest of our map is a literal open field including our base, and we don’t even have a direct path to saving Galv. We have to go out of our way if we want to defend him.

Did you know we get stuck in combat when we go up the hill near SH GY? Yeah, your archers put us in combat, and once in combat there’s no getting out until they’re all dead or you’re so far away from the bunker that you’re back at belinda or halfway to SP GY. Your SH GY Choke is easily as good as our IB GY Choke, and you have NPCs everywhere.

Imbalance isn’t about what you can do it’s about what you ‘need’ to do and Alliance don’t do have to do crap. You get a damn hut to protect you from archers while you walk into our base and jump over our walls.

Ally’s dont defend because they don’t want to. No one really does. But somehow Horde have adopted that life and I love them for it. That’s always been my style.

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Cuz all the defending alliance QQ’ers race switched to horde

Honestly all that needs to be said. How is that slope in existence?

good luck with your prophecy.

i have another one for you to consider though.

alliance premade players other than the top 10% of the bracket will quit playing av in droves and drive up the av queue to over an hour.

we will see which one of us is right.

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alliance are overreacting with the changes. running to the end to bubble pull isn’t going anywhere. does it really need to be THAT much easier to queue?

it might be.

it also might not be and if it isnt the people that have been doing the t1 premades are already at a 51% win rate and will see that go down to around 40 % (being generous here) .

I think the changes are reasonable. In fact it will just show the real advantage horde have from the map. Horde win rates will be the key measure here.

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