Blizzard: RIP US-Earthfury Alliance

Typically it’s because of recruitment.

Oh absolutely. Nether Drake isn’t gonna be a thing for Alliance on Earthfury

I have mixed feelings every time I see one of these ThE sKy Is FaLlInG posts because, don’t you think more people will jump ship seeing this?

Nobody I play with has even mentioned leaving. AH is great. Honestly better income than overpop servers where prices just tank. Leveling is nice and quiet with a few horde here and there to grief.
Not to outlands yet so we’ll see, but I still look forward to it.

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How doing that dont lead to?

I understand that this mass exodus is a problem, but lock players into a server is the best solution?

Wont be better just lock to create new character from the dominant faction and disable transfers from the less populated one? (also offer free xfer to that faction could help)

Or quit and stop giving them money

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Like he said there is no perfect solution. But if a perfect solution is a 10. And a terrible solution is a 1. Blizzards currently solution is a -7.


Yes that would be better to faction lock and free transfers like you described so I’m not going to argue with that. They haven’t done anything though, like at all. We’re in a situation where people who transferred from 99% faction servers to a server that was 50/50 at the start of TBCC are running into the same problems. Nothing has been done at all from Blizzards end despite ongoing issues.

Not locking them to a server, but locking them from. If Blizzard had stopped alliance transfers to Benediction, horde wouldn’t be fleeing to another server. Alliance wouldn’t be bailing on semi-balanced servers to go to Benediction and wrecking the balance on their old server and their new one.

If a faction is 60% or more, why are Blizzard still letting players of that faction transfer and causing the other faction to flee when they get too outnumbered?

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they wouldn’t get alliance money and then horde money


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Exactly this.

Blizzards subs are down but their earnings are up. They make the majority of their revenue from micro transactions now.

They are also already on record literally saying they they don’t give a crap about server or faction balance and it’s a player made issue.

They aren’t doing anything for balance and they never will if your server is dying you either fork over that xfer fee or quit, blizzard won’t be saving anyon believe me.

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There’s plenty of ways to solve a problem like that in game, that more or less is just inspiration to find a way forward. I couldn’t exit Hillsbrad during a lot of my time leveling there without being spawn camped by 60s, so I led my group of 20s through the rivers underwater and across lordamere lake in order to get our quests done around the alliance rogues.

Sounds like a story, but that’s more or less guild drama leading to exodus. I’m a firm believer that if the will is there, players can make a home on any server regardless of circumstances or majority rule. Some even prefer it that way, what better than having to fight off an enemy army just to scrimp together what resources you can? How much bigger of an accomplishment it is, when your own side bands together to make a goal happen? In the beginning that has always been purpose behind a guild, and the allegiance of a faction. Even when outnumbered there is still work that can be done, and those few can inspire more to join their ranks.

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The entire discussion is about alliance abandoning the server because of the faction imbalance that resulted from them not trying to give a reason to play alliance.

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same faction bgs are perma now, it’s over for alliance and in the long term horde as well, game will feel weird af with just one faction, just quit, let it die

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so they’re still playing alliance on a different server… most likely alliance dominated…

i dont know how you’re missing this point?

Sorry you are having issues on a dead server. We understand it’s frustrating to lose characters you have invested hundreds of hours in. The good news is you can pay $25 to transfer to another server per character. Sure you might lose your name and friends but you can at least play. Enjoy!

-blizz probably

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It is. Basically, it all started with crazy guild drama and because this guild has connections they were able to convince other guilds to follow them. That started a snowball. People assume that these (initial) transfers are because Earthfury was losing server balance but it’s not that simple, there’s a lot more to the story.

I’ll also agree with the rest of what you said about being outnumbered. As someone who actually likes World PVP I prefer to be outnumbered.

Thanks for the reply.

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You’re the one missing the point. They should be trying to create faction balance for each server not just expect everyone to transfer to a server that is completely dominated by one faction.

guess what has absolutely no effect on per server faction balance? H v H.

you’re the one crying that nobody wants to play alliance. people are playing alliance, just on mega alliance only servers.

players decided to create the individual server faction imbalance, not blizzard. they even paid for the opportunity.

I believe horde were getting FREE transfers in at the time you mention above. Basically, this one IS blizzards fault.


Alliance leaving Earthfury is my fault, they look at me and evacuate.

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