Blizzard: RIP US-Earthfury Alliance

Blizzard, you NEED to wake up to these faction balance issues immediately.

I am telling you right now Earthfury Alliance is about to die. 5 MAJOR guilds just transferred off, several hundred players just left and 3 other guilds are holding votes as I type this to move servers.

This server is going from 35/65 A/H to 0/100 A/H if something doesn’t happen. It already happened to a dozen other servers but your game servers are about to die.

I get it, this is a complicated problem with a lot of factors to consider. Any solution you implement may backfire and make it worse. But it’s time to do or die.

We’re begging you. Please. DO ANYTHING but this server is about to die. Mark my words now. Come back in a month and Earthfury will be 90%+ horde.




Welcome to benediction bud


Blizzard doesn’t care or they wouldn’t have implemented things like same faction BGs.

There is no longer any reason for casual players to be alliance.


My server has been dying over the course of the last few months. People said it was happening, threads were made, and nothing happened from blizzards end. We’re now 99.7% horde on our server and less than 800 active characters (according to IF pro) and it feels like a PVE server. The worst part is, some servers have it worse than us…



Welcome to Herod bud

Stalagg, Skeram, Heartseeker (Horde) ring a bell from Classic Vanilla?

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This was already happening back in vanilla classic. HvH had nothing to do with it.


Yeah :frowning:

Anyway, I responded in your other thread.

FWIW the second the first guilds started transferring off I canceled two accounts which I will stay closed because they keep allowing this to happen and I gave reasons with keywords.

When you know that what started the snowball isn’t even related to server balance or server anything really it’s pretty messed up. The whole follower thing is annoying too but typical.

Blizzard won’t fix this and I am pretty sure they encourage it. All of these people transferring will just cause more people to transfer and blizzard didnt even have to do anything to get all that money. if they did care they would lock servers when they are close to 50-50 and then open it if it got out of balance.

Remember when incendius was the server to go to? horde got griefed and didnt want to sit in queue times so they all jumped ship. then alliance followed suit. same thing will happen to earthfury. Benediction will be next if they ever get queue times


Meanwhile horde benediction fleeing the server.

what should blizzard do ?

What did the power rangers do when the megazord didnt work? Ultrazord!


Disabling transfers and new character creations on certain realms while working on disabling layers which is EXACTLY what they did in Classic and is what stopped things from getting worse in Classic is what they should have started with. It would have made things significantly better.

The truth is it’s too late now, servers are dying one by one, a lot of people are quitting or just not enjoying the game, and Blizzard just works on useless and unnecessary pet projects while bringing in the transfer money.

People always ask “Well what could Blizzard have done?” when the answers are right there and people have told them the answers on here, on Reddit, on Youtube, and in many other places. A lot of people have totally lost confidence in their company over their total inactions for real issues. Servers dying on sides and entire servers dying are absolutely terrible for the game.


Idk I dont think its that easy, let say Im on a server that is dieing/dead and they lock transfers I think I would quit then wait for a miracle fix.

This is the natural result of PVP servers, not sure why anyone is suprised.


If you want them to change it then unsub, money is the only thing they listen to.

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Lock transfers for the overpopped faction, free transfers for the underpopped one, and if it’s really bad, start throwing gold an in game items at the problem. Let it rain flying mounts if it means people will keep playing the game.

I didn’t say it was easy but Blizzards reaction was to do nothing but collect transfer money. Everyone everywhere is saying this, not just me and not just this US forum. Many people are really unhappy.

Transfers are a HUGE part of why servers die in the first place. So many of them wouldn’t die if the transfers weren’t there.

Many people said they were going to quit Classic when transfers and new character creations were restricted on full servers. However, the majority didn’t and almost all servers stayed healthy. Snowballs like what we see now couldn’t happen easily at all so the chain reaction couldn’t happen.

What do we get from mega servers? Stuff like you complaining about herb spawns. Plus some people do not want to be on massive servers as they don’t feel that leads to a quality community experience and community is why a lot of people are playing this version of WoW in the first place.


Personally I’m not happy but also not surprised since I’ve been thinking this was going to happen for months but I was hoping it wasn’t. It was like waiting for a train wreck and when you see danger you try to say something but nobody listens.

It’s even more of a problem that every server is headed to this direction, speaking as someone who actually likes World PVP. It’s not as if there are a ton of other games out there that offer this type of experience either.

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I dont think this is true. If they make the wrong move by forcing the player base to do something they dont want(torghast for ex) to and players quit cause of it. Its less of a problem for then, then just say “its a player made problem we dont want to get involved”

btw Im not saying they are doing the right thing by doing nothing