Blizzard: RIP US-Earthfury Alliance

Eh even without horde vs horde it would happen, we all have retail to look forward too.

That’s what happens when 1 faction has massive advantages all through out wow.

LOOOOOL! Sure you did Mootwo…sure you did. :yawning_face:

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Oh shut up already… I swear you leeches will latch onto anything to whine about the BG change. Pathetic

How about you come out from behind that alt account? Too chicken to make comments like that on your main?

Or is it that you know we are right and your only recourse is to pop on an alt and make useless comments.

Talk about pathetic.

Comical and rich coming from a level 32 retail character. Please… just give it a rest you pathetic peon.

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Show me on the doll where the mean man touched you…

I know this is hard for you to believe but when I say stuff I don’t make it up.

Do I need to do what the last guy did and show screenshots of my cancelled accounts? (not going to, you wouldn’t believe it anyway)

He’s called me a liar twice in his like 15 posts, I don’t think he likes me.

There are still at least 1000 allies online right now, I just looked. At 12:30am. There are people leveling and doing things in the world. This isn’t to say there aren’t reasons to be concerned, because there are.

Horde side is fine and healthy for now and most definitely not dead.

It’s weird how you’ve ALWAYS said servers are dead if they don’t have an insane amount of people. Like in your opinion if a server doesn’t have 10k people showing on it’s totally dead. That’s just a weird thing to say.

To help manage faction balance they should have implemented war mode for the minority faction if a server gets too far out of balance say anything after 55/45 would enable war mode for the 45% faction and keep it enabled until they are back within 10% of each other.

This would allow the minority faction to still compete in almost all aspects of the game. Of course it’s much too late for that now as most PvP servers are on their way to being single faction servers. At this point they may as well turn every server into a PvE server.

You will understand at 58.

Like I said months ago… any alliance that stayed on a pvp server even though they were outnumbered did not do their homework. Because prepatch a large alliance population came to the conclusion that they would either xfer to horde or a pve server.

I was on Herod alliance side and my guild switched over to horde to stay on a pvp server. If we had stayed alliance we would’ve xfered to a pve server. We knew it would only get worse for TBCC and blizzard wouldn’t do a damn thing about it.


By rerolling alliance to horde for TBCC and leaving Herod to come to Earthfury you and your guild were part of the problem which created the imbalance for both Herod and Earthfury (although it was obviously a drop in the bucket but a part of it).

You know this right? Rerolling like this was pure selfishness. You must not actually like World PVP.


Wow…such outrage & frustration. Where was all that when it was happening on other servers…check out IronForge Pro Realm Populations & take a good hard look at Pagle…then demand Blizzard do something.

Fairbanks Alliance also died. I would love to play, but somehow people kept moving off. There are like 4000 items on AH including duplicates and scam 811g listings.

There is very little group forming going

I cant help but laugh at this. I imagine a senario where I am the only person on my server and still these on the AH. I recognize that alt…

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I personally have at least 250 posts talking about the faction balance issues, going back to when this all started where I empathized with the posters, gave ideas for what could change, and expressed frustration (depending on the thread). That included on the threads were the Pagle horde were upset they had to transfer off. Some others on these forums did the same and this topic has been all over the EU forums, on Reddit and on Youtube even.

So some of us tried but at the end of the day what can individual players who care do?

I despise the fact that you sully the honor of the Tauren, by playing on alliance you filthy traitor. Your arguments are also lacking substance…often.

EDIT: please do not assume my gender, swine.


Thanks for sharing why you made those posts. I’ve been posting on my Tauren forever and I still raid with it every week so I’ll keep posting on it and saying whatever I want. Thanks though for the feedback.

Still take this over cross realms

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