War in Warcraft is fine.
What happened to Garona’s mother isn’t.
Complete and utter crap and you know it. Unless you have never played through that part of BFA. This is simply pandering to a crowd that does not even play this game.
I can tell that the Op is not well read, and lacks the knowledge of Classic Fantasy works
I weep for the Heroic Fantasy Genre…
We are heading here soon.
War is fine yes but not murder… you murdered an unarmed person in your quest line to become a death knight. War crimes are bad you need removed
What happened to Garona’s mother isn’t murder.
I literally have played through the warfronts, multiple times, and I know for a fact that there are multiple Horde and Alliance leaders that fight in the Battle for Stromgarde and that it varies from week to week. Sometimes Danath is fighting Liadrin, sometimes he’s fighting Eitrigg, sometimes Muradin is fighting instead of Danath etc.
Occams Razor, sometimes the simplest solution is the correct one. And the simplest solution is that this is being changed because there’s more than one Horde commander that can fight Danath. You’re the one twisting the logic and trying to find things to be upset about.
End of the day, and let’s be clear about this, you are protesting the removal of racism from a video game…
Think about what that says about you as a person. That you’re okay with racism, which you are, because you’re protesting its removal from this game. It doesn’t need to be there to convey the hostility of the situation. But you want it to stay anyway.
You can literally have him say different things to different horde leaders.
Infact, I’m fairly certain he does.
Trollbane ain’t got nothing over Garithos
Took the words right out of my mouth.
Wait a second, calling greenskin to a fictional character is racism?
Politically correctness, even against those who invaded your world and caused a huge war. This is going form understandable to ridiculous at this point.
Mmmm this could change things, however. Good point.
My guess is that with the change to warfront queues (5 man queues, down from 15) that Blizzard is anticipating more people will run warfronts for the transmogs and they’ve taken this opportunity to make the lines between opposing commanders more varied.
Of course I could be wrong and they could just be removing it because of racism, and that’s also fine because racist language doesn’t need to be there.
According to wowpedia, Danath never fights Rokhan, nor Liadrin.
Burn an entire world tree down with a city full of families: Go for it!
Nuke a port city turning loved characters into ash: Great!
Use a species slur in context with the lore of this entirely imaginary world: You’ve… gone too far.
To para-phrase Ron Weasley: They really need to get their priorities in order.
I’m pretty sure there are several stories that shows the afterlife. Anime does it a lot.
It is racism in a fantasy war against a high fantasy human and a green skin monster. The racism makes perfect sense.
Orc: zug zug humans, I am here to take land!
Human: Oh dear. That isn’t nice.
Orc: Oh, sorry.
Human: That’s alright, friend.
End of a future quest.
Don’t forget to change the factions names to Safespace and Iloveyou!
Ok if that isn’t ok to do then what you did to become a death knight isn’t either you and the class need removed from the game
wow get a life. for real. you are doing nothing for the world. go be a tattle tale in some other game for the love of all things.