Blizzard Removed Trollbane's Racism

Racism doesn’t need to be there.

You can convey the anger and the hatred really easily without resorting to racist language. Using racist language is a cheap hack. It’s not a strength. It doesn’t make the writing better.

It does however expose the scumbags when it gets removed, because they slither out from under their rocks to protest and want the racism to stay.

Are you seriously campaigning to remove racism from a war induced fantasy game, racism is apart of war, like what history class did you take as a kid all wars have racism in them wars in fantasy do not escape this. Even in LOTR and other fantasy stories have racism, it is what creates conflict. ITS A REAL THING in story telling to generate drama.

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This will be the name of my new Techno Punk band.

Fantasy isn’t real!!!

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Are you suggesting that you want acts of evil misogyny to remain in the game’s lore because murder does?

Doesn’t matter, racism is racism.

But hey, keep slithering.

Nope just want you to admit your class committed evil acts so it must be removed just like everything else you mentioned

It’s just a fantasy game.

It can be anything, but when everything is 100% push to be in a safe space. It gets a bit silly.

The game is called World of WARcraft.

What war in real life was peaceful and without name calling?

How about we go rewrite all history books and media because it’s considered super offensive.

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I did not know some not real could exist… thanks for educating me

Murder and war in warcraft are part and parcel.
Evil acts of misogyny are not.
You’re equating them because you want them to remain. At least be honest.

You have more issues than just WoW i recommend a therapist.

Funny thing is most name calling comes from those who want the name calling to end… they bathe in self irony

I don’t care either way it’s a fantasy game that isn’t real… I lose no sleep

Murder is fine, making wahman feel bad, now thats crossing the line.

Racism is not worse than death

sexism is not worse than death

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Real racism and slavery and other evil things still exist in the real world …. But hey let’s focus and rage and protest this fantasy games lore lol… this is why no one and I mean none takes you guys seriously


Yeah that’s not at all what I’m referring to, and you know it.

You said murder and violence is okay, but anything that happens to women is bad? Good take. At this point you’re trolling, if you are, good job, ya got me you basttid.

This community is so cringe

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What happened to the women of the draenei race, whomst Garona Half-orcen’s mother belonged to, is horrid. Only one race (and one single human character: Blackmoore) have done this act. It paints a player race in an incredibly evil light.

you mean the lore of gul’dan cross-breeding orcs with draenei, or the lore of them breeding with ogres?

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