Blizzard Removed Trollbane's Racism

This feels super unnecessary. Most RPG’s like WoW, DnD, etc, are all about “the flavor of racism.” Having racism in a game isn’t a bad thing because it’s a real topic and can be confronted. Just removing it like it doesn’t exist doesn’t do anything. This feels really dumb.

Don’t get me wrong, racism is bad and not okay. But made up racism between fictional races in a video game isn’t the same thing.

Yeah ok, that is very silly. I appreciate some of the changes they’re making, but come on, blizz.

LMAO holy crap, is this the end of this company? :man_facepalming:

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Not even that anymore because they yeeted all of the bad actors from the Horde and abolished the position of Warchief. They’ve been trying to whitewash both playable factions for a couple of years now.

I mean they literally tried to retcon Undead players into being heroes who tirelessly strive to protect the living. A description that literally doesn’t fit at all if an Undead player decided to play through the Cataclysm era Undead starting zone. Thankfully, that race description line about “tirelessly protecting the living” didn’t make it to live servers.

Notably, nearly every single one of these changes for what Blizzard is deeming “inappropriate content” is being done in secret, which in my opinion is kind of avoiding apology and being sneaky about the content they feel regret about including, as well as just pretending that the problem never existed.

They’ve never even said anything about the change to the /whistle emote or the removal of a certain male Tauren /silly emote. They just pretended that the catcall whistle and that /silly line never existed at all.

If they want to remove or change content that they think is inappropriate, I think that’s fine. I just don’t know that all of these stealth changes being made looks as good for Blizzard as they think it does. It potentially looks like they’re trying to put reputation (despite what little of it remains at this point) and profits above properly addressing issues in-game and in the workplace.

They should at least consider announcing what changes are being made and why, if nothing else. They’ve been purposely vague about the exact changes they’re making and continue changing things in secret.

There’s also the issue where people hate the idea of afterlives in fiction because in their eyes, afterlives cheapen deaths of characters. It’s also the same problem that makes time travel a hard sell in a work of fiction. Again, there’s the problem of “it cheapens death and events.”

Many people who hate time travel and afterlives will always hate stories featuring either element no matter how well they are written, because in their minds, time travel and afterlives ARE bad writing and all stories with either element are inherently bad.

I’ll be the odd one out here but I think racism between the different factions is fine and in some cases understandable. I am talking of course from a roleplay perspective here.

If I was a Human who had lived through the past wars with the Orcs then I may not have a very favorable view of their people. If all I have ever known is my cities burning and a sharp axe bearing down on my people then racism towards their people, while short sighted and ignorant, is understandable.

Imagine as well, if you were a Troll who was part of a grand empire but constantly got your butt kicked by Elves. You probably wouldn’t like the Elves very much and you may start to harbor racism towards that race.

When it comes to the story and roleplay of a fantasy universe like Warcraft I think the sky is the limit with possibilities and racism can be written well if it’s done right.

They’re freaking out right now. Since the lawsuit they trying to remove everything that would anger the “woke crowd”. Never listen to them, they’re small minorly that will never play this game or any other blizzard’s games. They’re activist and must be ignored.

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This is straight dumb and anyone who supports this is dumb. What the hell else are you going to censor from a game ABOUT WAR! Blizzard you are going to find out quickly that the people you are now catering to are not the people who will spend money on your games. Just ask comic books how it is working out for them.

I guess it makes sense if you want the Alliance to be the good guys who don’t tolerate racism, and the Horde to be evil and allow slavery.

They’re listening to Twitter and that is biggest mistake they’re ever make. They’re being pressured because lawsuit is so damaging that if you gave them what they want, they will stop. But thing about these activist on twitter, their demands never cease and they keep demanding more.


Exactly. And they never spend a damn dime to support the products they destroy with their asinine complaints.

This is what twitter activist gets you.

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Reading the OP’s post gives me severe ligma, this is world of warcraft, where factions are at war. You honestly expect that there wouldn’t be callous statements, racism or any of the such? Wtf you wanna play warcraft crossing? YOU’RE PLAYING THE WRONG GAME.

Right that why movies like MCU is dying, they all going woke they are more focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion instead of telling good story. Twitter is not a real world only small percent of crowd use it and Twitter is also dying because that place ihas become that toxic.

You notice the owner of twitter is not even in the US and he looks like a spoiled little nerd who needs a good scrubbing.

I would love to know what the people who support this crap would say if real green skin aliens attacked earth. “Now make sure you are nice to the aliens as they eat your liver.” “Remember aliens have feelings too.” “Be the change you want in the world as you are killed!”

He should be arrested for giving terrorists a platform like the Taliban.

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I agree and the fact he a woke liberal. Oh and he lets Trump live in his head for free cause he still triggered by him.

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Have you considered that perhaps the reason why the line was removed has nothing to do with ‘racism’ but everything to do with the fact that there are two additional Horde commanders that don’t have green skin?

Liadrin’s forces break into Stromgarde while Danath is defending:

Danath: “You dare invade Stromgarde, rightful home of the Trollbanes? Get out of my sight, green-skin.”
Liadrin: “Uhh, what?”

Like, so many of you are quick to pull the ‘racism’ card, but this could simply be a change to Danath’s dialogue so that it can apply to all the Horde commanders, not just one of them.

Danath Trollbane says: You dare invade Stromgarde, rightful home of the Trollbanes? Get out of my sight, green-skin.
Eitrigg says: “Green-skin”? Ohoho… now you’ve made me mad.

Eitrigg yells: High Perch belongs to the Horde. Or should I say… the “green-skins”.
Danath Trollbane yells: Hmph. You and your kind are all the same. You’ll die on your knees, just like the rest.

Eitrigg yells: Bring in the demolishers! Take down that gate! Let’s show that Trollbane fool what a few green-skins can do!
Danath Trollbane yells: Stromgarde still stands, orc. I’ll enjoy watching your corpse float in my moat. Defenders, show them the strength of our city!

It was an important interaction with Eitrigg, and basically the only villainous action that the alliance does in BFA.


Bro you play a death knight… you literally murdered someone to become your class…. U need removed