Blizzard Removed Trollbane's Racism

Woke liberals do.
They killed videogames in favor of this garbage.

Balancing and fun gameplay? throw it aside, diversity and woke BS is their priority.
Ban everyone that doesn’t agree.


Standing up against racism is a good thing, for both Blizzard and it’s playerbase.


Listen folks

Burning thousands of night elf children alive is entirely acceptable, or as Blizzard puts it, “morally grey”. Genocide is something that demands a debate; It’s neither entirely nor purely evil.

but Trollbane … that is just beyond dark.


Made a thread on PTR fighting this change

Plz support

This is dumb

The point of the character is he’s racist and old and from the first war


Thank you from one lore enthusiast to another

It’s a videogame that has nothing to do with reality.
I can see them absolutey ruining Garithos over this whinefest.

But yeah, liberals LOVE to project their garbage into videogames, hence why in the last decade multiple franchises decayed.
Japanese games are the only good ones left, and i have NEVER been a weeb.


Warcraft was originally just about ORCS vs. HUMANS

of course there was racism … THEY HATED EACH OTHER.

orcs called humans, “pig-skins”. Humans called orcs, “green skins”

are we really so sensitive as a generation that we can’t wrap our heads around this simple concept SET IN FANTASY?


thank god wow is dying and i don’t care anymore what blizzard is doing with this game.

Like imagine being second war veteran and seen thousands of your own slaughtered by orcs and now you’re not allowed to hate them


And going g through the Dark Portal and seeing first hand the devastating effects the orcs did to their world.

Blizzard at this point is just a shill for whatever wokeness crosses their mind and its time for WoW to die before they butcher it any further.


You sound like the Kyrian quest lines.
You want to remove everything bad so no one remembers what happened and what caused everyone to change.

Sounds boring to me.

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Some changes to fantasy i have agreed with like Orcs not having minus intel in D&D, but removing the Humans racism against the Orcs is pathetic whitewashing, fantasy racism is warcraft’s foundation.
Can’t wait for the Scarlet Crusade to be reworked, maybe the Diverse & Accepting Crusade?

trollbane was based

greenskins GET OUT

Soon they will remove Warcraft because it is built on hate and racism. Here comes lovecraft v1.0.

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#CancelAlliance, they don’t want to share the world with the horde because of their racism, they want tho ship the orcs back threw the dark portal like its their border to control, i hear that they even put orc children in cages and separated them from their parents wile they waged a needless war on fel. they claim the orcs have weapons of mass destruction, but they are actually peaceful loving creatures who just want the right to follow their own religion.

It would be called Candlyand: Gumdrops vs. Gingerbread.

I love that people are ok with genocide, murder and war but being perceived to be anti-racist is the metric that validates the Karens.

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Condering that the line is used whenever Danath is a commander in the Stromgarde Warfront, it kind of makes sense that he no longer says ‘Greenskin’ when facing Liadrin or Rokhan…

Regardless, seems like a non-issue.


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Great now bliz is to scared to cover darker or more adult themes.