Blizzard Removed Trollbane's Racism

No she just committed mass genocide. But apparently racism is worse.

oh. this is old lore. i thought you were talking about newer lore, like, from WoD or something, not something that’s literally been in the game since tbc.

i would’nt say they made a whole ‘new’ clan when the lore for them is literally 14 years old. i’d more say they just… forgot to edit them out.

still, does confirm that the orc/draenei breeding is still canon… even if it’s just a minor footnote.

No, it isn’t. Chronicles definitely turned them into something they weren’t before.

…ohhh! that’s why they retconned them to be like that… they did it so garona could remain half-draenei. i get it now. cause i mean, they don’t mention anyone else notable from their clan, so… it makes sense now.

No demon blood required.
Gross as hell.

I mean his name is “Trollbane” for crying out loud, you would expect him to have some rather saucy opinions :slight_smile:


I did not say that. I said using racism is a cheap hack. Here’s a great example. I want to create a villain character. This character is evil, a horrible person, one you wouldn’t want anything to do with. How do I create this character?

  • I could have her cast a magical curse and rule over the cursed lands as a tyrant with an iron fist.
  • I could have her march on innocents because she wants their land or their souls for her grand design.
  • I could have her create toxic weapons that she turns on enemy and ally alike in a critical battle.

All of these would require a decent amount of writing to pull off. I’d need to really sell the character, flesh them and their motivations out etc and in some cases, I may even be able to make them both hated and pitied by the people I’m selling her to.

Or I could make her a racist and have her hate x culture for whatever reason. Throw in some quick racist jabs about skin tone or other characteristics etc and there, done. No effort required, she’s hated already because I played the racist card.

If you want an example of this in Warcraft, look at Garithos.

Garithos had a lot of potential as a bad guy. Blizzard could have written him in as a tyrant, someone who is using the Alliance for his own gains, who turns on anyone who could be considered a threat and uses underhanded tactics to make sure his ‘allies’ don’t see the next dawn. Or they could have written him as an arrogant commander who puts the lives of his men at great risk with dangerous battle-plans as he ignores the advice of military strategists because he’s so sure of himself that he believes his plans, and only his plans can secure Lordaeron.

But rather than do any of that, they just played the racist card. That’s his only villainous quality, that he’s a racist, and all his actions stem from the idea that he’s a racist.

wait… how come garona is green then? should’nt she be like, mag’har colours?

…i might be overthinking this… also sleep-deprived.

then again, demon blood DID effect all the orcs, regardless of drinkin…

Why? Im curious what real world harm you think this is causing

idk that it’s causing any real world harm. But when only one player race is that evil, it’s hard to see them in any heroic light.
Doesn’t need to be in the story.
Doesn’t add anything positive to it, and just makes an entire race look villainous as hell.

You could’ve stopped there.

For you.

Depth isn’t always positive. Life, even fictional life, isnt always sunshine and rainbows


Any time I see someone use this argument I think of this.

That doesn’t fly when no other player race has done this evil act.
One single human villain hardly compares to entire clans orc orcs who did it before they drank demon blood.

Gender/Identity and Racial driven politics pretty much a scam most people realize this fact. WOW will go overboard and more people will leave, since most people play video game to get way from the politics and BS of the real world. The ones complaining about all the SWJ stuff are here just to complain, doubt they have any real time in the game and if they do it is a small group.


It doesn’t. It’s exercise for the woke mob to be upset at. It’s a fing fantasy game for crying out loud.

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Yet in game, in draenor intro quest he calls an Slavers arena… a honorable way to die…

Trying to apply political correctness to a game… a fantasy game… will hinder its potential, keep one self a good person independent of what you read or play, and still “read” the content as it is, fantasy, not reality.

Danath, was harsh yes, as were many other characters in game, which made them great in their respective context.

imagine all this PC in Wc3 era, it would have ruined the entire story lol.

“Arthas… the ultimate Undead and Demon racist…” (sarcasm)

It isn’t my fantasy for my favorite player race to be evil misogynists.

Racism is a trait, it’s a symptom of a very flawed character.

Racism is apart of a long list of other ills or phobias such a paranoia, narcissism, sociopathy and other human ailments.

It’s a product of a culture that is unsure about another, it’s not a cheap tactic its human reality. What you don’t understand you become prejudice too.

Take U.S soldiers for example, they grew up in a 1st world country, some with strong progressive backgrounds and go to Afghanistan, a wildly different place and livlihood. As time goes on, friends die, get wounded and their perspectives change. They become racist against said enemy, because of their behavior and their own anger. Racism grows from conflict, you begin to see your foe as less than human because of things they’ve done to you.

Do you get it now? Why do villains become racist?

Most times they’re not born that way, they’re made that way.

Agree a thousand time, those things have their place in reality, everyone ideally should strive to be a good person, but not fantasy, Fantasy Games/books are meant to criticize, explore and above all… tell a story with many shades.

if all this things continues, what ever made great the RTS is going to be go, (even worst with the constant retcons).

Sarcastic example… “Remove Arthas pls, he is an Undead Racist…”

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Looks like green skin to me… not sure how calling them what they are is offensive but then again they complain about anything these days.