Yep you’re trolling. I’m 100% you’re trolling at this point.
It wasn’t just Gul’dan, unfortunately. At least, according to Chronicles.
yeah, but i meant like, that it was his idea ‘n’ stuff.
Racism is racism.
Yes, racism happened in history, but we evolved as a species since then and decided that racism was bad. No one is saying we should go back and rewrite history to remove the racism, history needs to be taught fully and racism is a part of that history. But just because we ‘were’ racist in history doesn’t mean we have to be racist now.
If Blizzard is indeed removing racist language, then realize that by defending it staying you are saying: “I am okay with racism.” because that is what you’re saying. Fictional racism, real racism, it’s all racism. It’s crude, it’s unnecessary and it has no place outside of history and historical settings.
As I said earlier, using racism in fiction is a cheap writing hack. It requires no imagination or skill to create tension and drama, no imagination or skill to create a horrible character. Just insert a token racist and you’ve hit all the nails on the head in one swing. Talented writers can create tension, drama and hated characters without resorting to racism as a trump card.
Blizzard is (if the whingers are right) moving on and evolving and that’s a good thing.
Unless you’re defending racism of course. Then you hate this.
Idk. I didn’t think Gul’dan was in control of the Horde before they drank the demon blood. Might be wrong on that, though.
But murder is? lmao?
Yes. I am a scumbag because I don’t see a problem with one FANTASY race calling another FANTASY race a bad name. Now if they were using the N-word or anti-Semitic slurs you might have a point. But if Green-skin triggers you it might be time to spend a little less time on Twitter.
Pretending racism doesn’t exist is the only way to fight racism - Blizzard
well, he was in-control when blackhand was in-charge, he might’ve been working things behind the scenes while nerzhul was doing his thing (i think. i might also be remembering parts of chronicles wrong).
also, pretty-sure they retconned the orc/draenei breeding. not the orc/ogre one though (cause i mean… it would mess-up rexxar’s backstory). i mean, we don’t really have any draenei/orc half-breeds anymore, garona might still be one but… it has’nt really been brought-up in-game (was in the movie though).
That person needs to go outside the country full stop, and stop living in gated communities then “Racism” would be the least of their problems.
Removing a duly elected president from Twitter president just shows that big tech has too much power.
yeah and allowing the Taliban a platform, who:
- Killed our troops
- Committed incredible amounts of war crimes.
- Classified as a terrorist organization.
- We are at war with.
18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
He should be tried and sent to jail.
They made up an entirely new clan to do it with, ontop of all of the others who did it. That clan did it for 200 years before the legion showed up or something stupid.
wait, what?? what clan is this??
No not defending racism. Just hoping it doesn’t keep getting pushed to extremes. You know how some people can use trolling to try and push real stuff. I still want war in the game and fighting against enemies. Even if it is war and one side loses something.
I really just want to ask… how do you remove racism from a person who’s name is : (A Playable Race) + (their bane) ?
His name literally is racism personified.
Yeah, and that’s not going anywhere. There will be more war in the future. The factions can’t stay at peace for long, there’s too much tension there. But you can get there without characters resorting to racist language. I mean, look at Sylvanas as the perfect example. She doesn’t have a single line of racist dialogue in all the years she’s been a character. Yet she is both loved and hated by the Warcraft community because of her actions.
Blizzard can make characters that people revile, that drum up war and conflict without needing to pull the unimaginative racist card.
Bladewind Clan.
Despite what you say, racism paints a picture of stark cultural differences. All throughout the world there are prime examples of people who aren’t all that different hating each other for small cultural differences, and then making comments on that cultural differences to differentiate themselves.
Racism is terrible, but to say a race of any person, beast, monster, or otherwise is a cheap hack and the problem with the game is wrong. It is perhaps the most primal example of how animals work, disliking what is different, humans just put a word on it and have tried to develop a world where differences aren’t hated.:: the fantasy game does that too, but just because some people get along doesn’t mean everyone gets along.