Blizzard, remove Calligraphy

Shut up >:( you know what I meant!


Man, sure is off-server in here


This is like the easiest world quest there is…
Just stay on your mount and do it before it goes away.

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It legitimately blew my mind when I learned that Blizzard moderators and GMs are literally minimum wage workers.

Retail doesn’t ask you to expose yourself to as much vitriol, and that place is a hellscape.

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this is the right thread for talking about Diablo right?

i don’t play world of warcraft and i’m not from this server


I just did it and got it on the first try btw.

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Super cool
Super hot
Super good at shapes

…is there anything you’re not super at?


What’s Diablo? Is this some new series that’s gonna come out soon?

I’ve never had any problems with it either, but everyone knows I’m damned good at what I do.

It’s a mobile game.

Don’t you have mobiles?

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I have concluded that the only way to end Calligraphy is to destroy the Tortollans, who are currently under attack by the Naga.

We must join N’zoth to save Azeroth.


This post took two minutes to make. Also, you’re being awfully condescending over a video game. Check yourself.

Back to the topic, some people (you’re not the only person who plays wow) are experiencing bugs and issues with completing the quest. It’s not that I don’t understand how to draw a circle - it’s that the quest isn’t accepting the trace.

To everyone else who’s having an easy time with the quest, see this:

Can we please? Lamest race addition to the game yet.

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Why are you bringing technical issues to us? The only time anyone from Blizzard looks at these is when someone gets reported. These are server forums.

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my favourite song by Ice Cube

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I’m sure I could fix it, if given a year and employment at Blizzard.

“Good news: We fixed Calligraphy!
Bad news: Inscription doesn’t work anymore.”

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No, I will fix it.

By making it a world quest where Horde characters must pen confessions to war crimes before being launched out of a catapult.


I like how you read a couple of joke posts and say that I’m being condescending and then tell me to check myself while continuing to be upset towards me in your reply lol. It also doesn’t take that long to take a screenshot and look at it, either, but it sounds like you’re super upset by this, and would rather choose to complain about technical issues on a realm forum, even though there have been a ton of responses that provide tips/tricks from players on a realm you don’t belong to that could help you out.

Go post on the Ravenholdt forums or something.

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You now have to Inscribe your crafted items on the ground, and sell the bricks.

So basically about as useful as Inscription is now.

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