Blizzard really let the season go live like this? No cares at all huh

We can also look at seramate and see you have a lifetime record of a “The Elite” title while he’s been high glad since wod.

Idk what drugs you’re on to think you’re remotely good enough to talk to people like that, let alone someone that much better than you, but I would go to rehab and get off of them.

I am straight edge thank you very much. He has been glad twice actually thanks to your boosting services. Now that you want to come in here and talk a mess I’ll be on you like a fly on a cow pie and find out you’re accepting real life money my guild and I will spam report you into oblivion clown. Swole probably makes more cleaning the floors at dude bars than you do boosting btw.

I love when people prove me right.

In total to get to 2.4k as Ele & Enh it took me 372 games played.

For you to get to 2.4k as Frost & Unh it took 501 games played.

You also ended lower in both.

That’s extremely unimpressive and furthers the point that you could never get glad without paid assistance.

Hope you get help man, I’m sure there’s a cure for this type of stupidity somewhere. I will give you a hint, it’s not on the wow forums.

Smart enough to make your yearly wage in a week hope business picks up probably shouldn’t oust yourself on the wow forums dummy

Your absolute peak record on both (2) of your shamans is 2209 btw. You played them both in S2, then one in S4.

I don’t disagree that 2.4k in shuffle is unimpressive, but I don’t know if that’s your line qt

Not sure what relevancy my 50 rounds on enh has but I bet if I played 300 I could’ve made up the 150 rating rofl nice try clown. I suppose you could say I’m as good as you are on enh.

You had 337 tho

Also woulda need to have made up 279 pts, not 150

I love how u cherry picked season 2 on one of my enhances that god knows what i was doing testing builds idk(I remember playing lava lash build for fun that was completely unplayable in s2), my alt enh in s2 was 2209 in 80 games. So again nice try but even with you trying to hide context and shame me I still likely am just as good as you are on your OWN spec AND I could never get glad on enh so please save the gotchas you already outed yourself calling your booster in here rofl :clown_face:

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thats me on resto droid qq

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Seems like most of the complaints are around arena gameplay. :thinking:
The Blitz games are poppin’ and seem to be enjoyable.

Healer imbalance seems to be a game-wide PvP thing, but DPS across the board are showing up in BGs.
MW cranks in BGs and so does druid.
The only thing I see suffering bad in BGs is holy paladin. Their numbers are terrible.

Fixed it for you :grin:

Surely not the least played spec I pvp you are insinuating?

According to drustvar frost dk is least played spec

Not for healers which is why DPS are sitting is sitting in 20 minute queues already.

Blizz Board room meeting, “hey we give the PvPers a new BG map, that should hold them over until 2028 q4, and well reassess”.

On the bright side, at least we got something lol.

Frost Death Knight is still very strong this expansion – Even after the tuning nerf they did recently due @ needing to dial them down a tad.

When the season first hit, you’d go into BGs and Frost DKs were pretty much just an unstoppable force of a lawnmower to chop down through anyone or anything that came between them and their destination lol

  • As I said, Frost DK are less-so like that now, but they can still hold up fairly well. :dracthyr_nod:

Least played DK spec in PvP now-days would be blood, as Death Strike got a massive nerf in the pre-patch before the expansion hit.

To the OP, ya i cant believe it either. Mage and rogue s tier again??? Ya no way /s

nerf frost mage, nerf devoker, nerf dhs, nerf rogues, nerf mm hunters that is all ty ggs glhf enjoy the new xpac /shrug

Clearly you never played Shadowlands Arena season 1. Ret, Rogue, and Hunters could legit one shot players. While everyone else was doing 10% the damage. They also left it that way for a long time. First they nerfed hunters, then rogues, and finally paladins, but it was already a dead season.