Blizzard really let the season go live like this? No cares at all huh

So many classes with over the to damage and survivability, while others go neglected. Worst start to a season ever


Not even remotely close. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Welcome to official beta release! Real release comes out on patch 11.0.5.


Sheetlands was way worse.


More likely couple weeks after 11.0.5 because they won’t balance anything they implement there beforehand!


Games are more fun when damage feels over the top vs 75% damp. Underperforming specs should be buffed


More fun for who? The people parsing for wins, or the people managing spiking health bars while attempting to perform as a galaxy of CC and kicks are thrown their way?


I solely play healers in arena…

To be fair they said they are using this week to make adjustments next week before RWF and M+ come out for PvP.

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Things aren’t great, they’re also not that bad. The game is at least playable.

I can’t think of one spec where it’s completely unplayable, except maybe hpally.

I don’t believe you.

you have Fury Warriors that look like literal clowns with Titan’s Grip Bladestorming (stronger than arms btw) and applying bleeds, things aren’t getting better for awhile

the class fantasy is getting so botched they might as well remove specialization specific talents all together, would make balancing easier at least

its been wrost in DF DH released like world boss , litterally 1Dh was able to kill 10 players by himself , i didnt see that in TWW yet.

I think the Class fantasy in TWW is a lot better especially after SL/DF was so bad.

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that’s cause you play prot, the only warrior spec that makes sense right now, arms is okay… fury is just a homogenized pit that’s hard to even look at

I play holy pally for pvp mainly. I like it when damage is spicy too.

Anything that may tarnish my narritive will not be allowable as evidence.


And I don’t care

Nothing gets checked till pve players input their data. Then if the janitor is free pvp might get some changes. If you didn’t notice he as too busy last week to fix shadow pan brawl


Says who…