Blizzard really let the season go live like this? No cares at all huh

Many tinfoil hat vibes

idk i dont think its that bad at all really. Feels like most specs have a chance to win, some will always have to work harder than others depending upon what is fotm at the moment but that will always be the case, perfect balance is not achievable.

However as long as most specs can get wins by outplaying the fotm specs, its fine, and right now thats the case outside of probably healers. Hpal and mw are in a bit of a rough state however both are getting a ton of talent changes for 11.0.5 so we’ll see what happens there.

Ahh the classic “conspiracy theory” excuse because you can’t be bothered to think logically.

You think balance being skewed week 1 in a mini game is used as a way to generate money? Like are we really being that daft?

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hmmm where did I say that?

This tinfoil hat

I don’t think you really understand the concept of “tinfoil hat”. Or you’re new to wow and don’t know how things work.


Ahh so you’re just a troll that says nonsense but won’t ever back it up.

This is interesting. So far this is the least amount of Rogues I have ever seen. Yet they are being put at S tier. So something is off.

  • Either they aren’t broken so players aren’t playing them.
  • Or they maybe require skill for once to be S tier so players aren’t playing them.

Subtlety sure ain’t.

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i think the only time this sentence has ever been true was the 4 minutes conflict and strife hit the scene unnerfed

He could play without a UI and be better than you my guy who are you talking to

(If you were referring to Relaxok if not carry on I don’t care)

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Thats odd because he cant play better than me with his current set up we both were 2.4 in shuffle. I would also die laughing if you were the sorry soul that boosted him coming to defend him

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Who are you talking about? Swole?

No swole was 200 rating higher than this cat in the discussion.

Oh so I was right you are just delusional.

He has been infinitely higher rated than you for more seasons than I’d wager you can count.

Also shuffle rating is irrelevant and he got that in like a day or two my guy, you are punching up and hitting his knee.

What does this mean, curious? Why do you think I bought a title lmao

Actually thanks to seramate we can see it took him an entire week and over 100 shuffles to get from 2250->2400 rofl. Next lie? Respects to you for carrying that bag of cow dung. Zero respect lost to him as I already had zero for calling his booster onto the forums to defend him rofl must be paying well!

I was 2258 on July 2nd, 2024 and I was 2412 by July 5th. That took me 64 games, or 10 rounds of shuffle, probably more than I shoulda needed. But ay

Enhance I went from 0-2417 in I think 2 days, with 123 total games played? Having never pvpd as the spec (at least since wod).

This is correct tho