Blizzard really let the season go live like this? No cares at all huh

Why? There was better balancing weak one of legion… Why do people keep making excuses for blizzard?

Dont even bother that dude bought glad and is so thankful blizzard didnt ban him he has devoted his life to defending them

How exactly is what he said “stupid”? If you honestly think blizzard isn’t only keeping this game going for money you are huffing way too much copeium.

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buying carries is money in their pockets they don’t care at all. They would only care if it was real money transactions because then people aren’t buying there tokens.

yeah ofc but its basically impossible to prove people bought a carry vs just got lucky ques with really good players.

The only thing that really feels broken to me is SH Aff. This spec needs to get those shadowbolt procs gutted

It’s very easy. Like someone like him playing with a multi-glad streamer. No streamer is going to risk ranking playing with some random guy without money going into their pocket. Even those “follow my stream for RBG carry” people only do it because it gets them paid.

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I don’t think you’re aware of the full meaning of your statement.

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Just because you can’t understand something doesn’t mean others can’t as well.

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How is that stupid?

What exactly do you understand here?

Everything. You clearly understand nothing.

Part of the problem is a lack of competition over the years. Blizzard is a prime example of what a company does when it has a monopoly.

Helldivers2, is a good example of when the player base truly gets fed up.

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Please expand on that thought

Sure. He’s suggesting that just because Blizzard is a 20 year company that they should automatically have everything down perfectly. Which is literally the weirdest logic lmao. Like they’re doing new things and it’s not the same game it was when it first came out. There’s going to be roadblocks and for the most part things aren’t so doom and gloom.

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Why people so hard pressed over week 1 gameplay. They’ll nerf it eventually.

Oh, please show me where I said that.

What new things would that be?

Found the drama queen. Well, one of many.

Idk maybe because they announced the next tuning with a patch at a later date; the money grab is obvious to any being with a pulse.

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