Blizzard really let the season go live like this? No cares at all huh

I just wish they would have taken the effort to at least put out an explanation as to how everything would work in terms of pvp gearing, and how the new systems would work. Everyone is super confused about gearing (including veterans) and still are. That could have been easily avoided had they released some sort of guide or something.

Someone at blizzard: "Hey you know there’s a lot of changes we’ve made to how pvp gearing works in terms of crafting pieces, bloody tokens, embellishments, weapon quest etc…should we maybe put up a blog or guide or something?

Someone else at blizzard: “Nah F*** em, they’ll figure it out”

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Dragonflight was worse i think, i remember DH being super broken more broken than what fury is now

At least fury can die, pres evoker and disc are just straight bonkers verse every other healer atm.

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Pres Evoker honestly seems even a tier above disc. Prob almost no way for them to lose unless facing another pres.

No it wasn’t. This is worse

You think this is worse than Boomy’s popping out of stealth 45 yards behind you proc’ing a full moon that insta deletes you? Or Rogue/Mage literally killing people in about 0.5 seconds?


people expecting any amount of balance week 1 of the new xpac with all new hero talents, embellishments and reworks are absolutely insane lmao

Hear me out, interrupting convoke!

I never had an issue with sl s1. This is just unfun, mobility creep bs

Another expansion they tricked us, and make their cash…

Buzzard Entertainment, like vultures circling in the sky lol.

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Rogue is complete trash right now.

Yeah need to implement a moba-like ban system now. Pick 3 specific class/spec combos you can’t be matched against. Issue is that would effectively mean banning fury, pres, and disc from pvp.

Also, passive healing on dps, speed hacking in pvp by just enough to escape melee, but not enough to be noticed.

Players are pretty crafty, if Blizz fixed all the cheats today they would have new ones up and running tomorrow.

ALL the money, devs and resources are poured into the bread and butter of PvE, us PvPers get thrown a bone, its the best were going to get, and we are lucky to get a new map after years lol. NOW pay up and buy the next product lol.

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Yeah man wasnt like there was an alpha, beta and 2 weeks of non rated testing where 98% of feedback was completely ignored while blizzard thought up their next big money grab. Yeah you right

This isnt necessarily true, pvers get mistreated as well but balance isnt important in pve. Blizzard does not care about the game they care about milking us of as much money as possible. Over promising and under delivering works for a long time.


SL was the worst WoW expansion. Nothing is close. People got scammed into buying it and it drove millions to other games for the first time. Final Fantasy servers got fried from the influx of WoW refugees.

time will tell, but watching my friends in Solo Shuffle RBGs last night and listening to their opinions about it… Yeahhhhhhh this smells like a portajohn in the july sun lol.

You say an unbelievable amount of stupid stuff on these forums, but this, whatever it was meant to convey, might be the stupidest.

Lemme know when you can get hello world to pop up

Yeah dog you right anyone who expected better from multiple months of testing is straight up dumb leme know your glad plug prices must be really good for your broke rear to afford it


Sounds like current frost mage

20-year-old game from a multi-billion dollar company and you are happy it’s “playable”? This mentality is exactly why they keep giving us the trash. They don’t care about this game except what money it can bring in. Start holding blizzard accountable.