Blizzard Quality is unacceptable right now

I think you hit it on the head. Their team has been cut down, there is less people doing more work on a schedule that hasn’t relaxed.

I think it’s sad, but not unexpected.

I think they also know that users have a high tendency to continue playing in spite of bugs. They complain, but don’t leave. In economics it’s a highly inelastic demand curve.

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Ironically, I am pretty sure the team has grown.


Well, if that’s the case, then it is truly just sad, or they have built into their expectations that rampant bugs are acceptable.

Everyone who posts here does…


With all the bugs, maybe playing WOW counts as “working in IT”?

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This is whining, not action. You’re still financially contributing to the thing. You’re just doing so on an imaginary pedestal.

No puddle, he’s a hero because he proclaimed this as unacceptable and it’s your fault the game is buggy because you didn’t clap for him.



honestly blizzard is a hot mess. i literally cannot play the game. can’t mount, can’t fly with my dracthyr. can’t do anything. and i’m afraid to log out for fear of not getting back in. or my character disappearing, can’t queue for groupfinder or even open it. or some stupid crap. honestly blizzard. this is an insult, get your shiz together. you don’t even acknowledge that there is a problem. i’ve seen better service from a 99 cent buffet. you clearly suck at your jobs. i feel like you’ve turned into the walmart of game developers. overpriced trash from china.

Where do you go for a 99 cent buffet? Or is that just an expression?

There has always been bugs. True. But unfortunately, it’s getting worse. Much worse.

Generally bugs have always just been an amusing part of a gaming hobby for me. Something silly you run into from time to time. Some of them even became really memorable, endearing and nostalgic. But lately WoW patches are just an unplayable, frustrating mess the first week. :expressionless:


I used to think that now I believe it is nearing committing a fraud to produce and release content your servers can’t handle.


There hasn’t been a major or minor patch in the last 4 years without game breaking or semi game breaking problems. I legit don’t know how these people have jobs.


an expression

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How do we know who is normal here? 10% or 90%? Who can be the judge?

Actually I’m a chiropractor… please do not use my services.

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It’s ok. 99% of the sales of Cata classic are people who only bought it for the Ragnaros mount for retail :upside_down_face:.

But you can play cata classic without buying that pack. It really is only for the mount and a boost. lol

You must be on all of the spinal fusion surgical boards telling them how to do it. :laughing:

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Time to bring back the breast milk bros. At least they were good developers that didn’t break more than they fixed.

There was a time when we could blame Activision/Bobby for the state of things … apparently, they had nothing to do with it. :frowning: