Blizzard Quality is unacceptable right now

Listen. I know that patches on day one are buggy sometimes but oh my lord Blizz.

Let’s start with the launch of season 4: Multiple bugs reported on the PTR and… They make it to live. I know a lot of gamers are blaming QA or lack of QA on it but I disagree. It’s 100% on the devs. There’s been plenty of reports of the bugs on the PTR forums that were just ignored and rolled to live.

Cata Classic: LOL. There are currently so many bugs in the pre-patch that I think the PTR was even more stable and ran better. It’s insane that not only did you not fix any bugs from PTR, you made more!

10.2.7: More bugs. There’s some pretty bad quest design that I’m surprised you guys haven’t figured out in decades but again, more bugs. Things that shouldn’t be broken, things that should’ve been tested on the ptr not tested or tested and ignored.

I work in IT. I’m a part of enterprise wide change management. If I was making a change where that produced tons of bugs and they were documented that would affect all users and I rolled that change to prod without fixing anything… I wouldn’t be working there anymore.

I’m not saying bugs on day one are the issue, those will pop up no matter what but when we’re reporting bugs to you day in and day out and you ignore them, it shows you don’t care about the players or the quality of the game.

Rant over… I’m sick of the devs not actually fixing what we report.


Yea bro, i hope you didnt pay for the 3 extra days for the war with in, its been a steady mess for months lol


Nothing can be done because Blizzard has successfully got over 90% of its player base to just expect bugs and trash like this as normal, so when actually normal people like yourself critique new bugs and trash it is viewed as being picky or an ingrate.

10 years ago if you asked a high level developer that a multi million dollar company like blizzard would somehow be unable to code a simple LFG group finder they’d think you were lying.

Now it is just simply expected that they’re unable to get really basic things right. As a consumer with self respect you’d expect more people to take issue but again, they managed to trick a large majority of the player base to just assume this is completely normal to brick quest and basic LFG group finding tools without even making a simple Community post on these forums.


The tech debt and spaghetti code is real.


Are you gonna unsub over this?


You are the 90% im talking about lol


So are you bucko

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LOL NOPE! A good portion of us already tucked it back real tight and preordered The Store Within. What’re we gonna do, just let it go to waste?


Its not that , Blizz is smart it know that it can give players anything and they will stay


I think that’s just it. They aren’t really worried about quality anymore, because they don’t have to be. With live service games, they can push updates on schedule and then fix whatever bugs they want to fix on their own time. The community as a whole isn’t unified enough to stand against this practice but it’s kind of infected the entire live service portion of the video game industry by now. I don’t think this is going to change any time soon.


This is par for the course. You’ve known this for, i dunno, years probably. You keep giving them money though. Posts don’t do anything, taking their money does. So, you know what to do young man. I wish you well on your next game.

no, im actually critiquing blizzard, you on the otherhand are white knighting for a million dollar company being unable to code a lfg group finder…


Because I asked you a question?

we all know blizzard would rather lose millions than to fix their game as evident based on the large % of players who already left. so this argument doesnt really work. This game is just for people who want to ride on its declining coattails.

The primary evidence is anytime someone wants them to fix their bugs the only response we get isnt “yeah they should do that” its “leave” lol


A question indicating that if you have any problem with x the only response must be you must leave x. its a stupid question meant to obfuscate the main topic of the bugs and you know this. stop being dishonest.


So making a millionth post about is going to help? It’s not. We tried that already, so the only option left is to leave if you really find it unacceptable. That means you don’t accept it. But if you keep paying them, you do accept it, so this post means nothing.

If the managers who control what assignments the devs get don’t prioritize fixing broken stuff that probably shouldn’t be released, it’s not up to the people who should be doing that work to drop the tasks they have been assigned and do something they think should be done instead.

They are sabotaging our fun deliberately!

This might blow your mind to hear, but blizzard doesn’t care if you’re happy or not. They want your money. If you give them your money, then they got what they wanted and they have no motivation to give you anything else.

So go ahead and rant on the forums like a schmuck if you want. They got theirs, you gave it to them.

If you want to do something to actually motivate them to change, you need to stop giving them money.


Yeah thats not how it works buddy. If I go to a restaurant that is usually good but this time my wings are cold I send them back. In your idiotic and dishonest worldview I guess I should just not complain and eat the cold wings. or to be more exact with your asinine world view, I would just never go back to the restaurant again even if its mostly good. lmfao