Blizzard Quality is unacceptable right now

“How to break someone’s back 101…”

The game has been so buggy, lately. Rewards from achievements not properly being rewarded to users that unlock them, mounts missing or disappearing from the mount journal, placeholder textures (such as the placeholder cube when another player rides on the auspicious arborwyrm), multiple events cannot be completed properly, transmog appearances now sharing the same look even tho it was different when it came out, etc

Despite reporting in-game issues we don’t know if they actually aknowledge these problems.



"I’m in IT, Blizz needs to…!!! "

spends the next 8 hours telling people how to change their password

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I got flagged last time I said this but the only way to make them reason is to speak with our wallets, protest is simple in this case


Been buggy from day one. People love to romanticize the past, but this game has never not been buggy. Even WotLK was a buggy mess every patch.


24 hours later and still no working LFG? why is the game even up right now? Take it down and fix these issues and put it back up. Pretty crazy

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Sure, it has always been buggy…but never to this extent.

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lol Thay do not know how to fix’s the game

With how core LFG is to the game. I genuinely woulda thought theyd just reverse the patch. Put back OLD lfg tool untill its fixed.

I don’t recall them ever reversing a patch… ever.
I could be mistaking of course, my memory ain’t what it used to be.

I cant think of a specific example. But I dont neccesarily mean revert the entire patch. Just repeal the lfg system. Games have done that plenty in the past. But I understand thats more complicated than pressing a button :slight_smile:

Yea, idk if the code is structured to do that or not. It’s totally do-able but requires some planning ahead of time in how you structure the project.

I’m willing to make the sacrifice if they listen and they fix what is wrong in those three days. Otherwise get the pitch forks.

The pessimist in me is thinking that the team has had bad news coming in the vein of the other games closing down so they gave up caring.

It could also be they cut down on what they were allowed to communicate to the forums.

If pandamonium is going to be this much of a hot mess, I may as well go back to LoTR for a while until they get their act together.

Having spent and wasted my meager play time doing a researchers twice in a row due to sharding and getting nothing, ditto for rift, and not being able to finish a weekly due to superbloom being bugged out, it is just added frustration instead of something that should be fun.

I had sharding once in a while, that was annoying but this past week has been ridiculous.

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I think they are waiting for one of us to discover a workaround so they don’t have to.

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