Blizzard Quality is unacceptable right now

This is the entire reason for a PTR… or even internal testing…

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Welcome to being the minority. I too would rather wait for content to be polished than demand more content because I only play 3% of it and then get bored.

But alas

did you get Drake’s Awakened Crests or flightstones from the +0s?
Ive got a long list of people who weren’t on cap and got none

Sorry I did the quest by doing +2s cause I needed the wyrms more than drakes so idk. I did get appropriate rewards from the +2s tho.

“Multi-Dollar company” as quoted by The man, the myth, the legend, “Asmongold,” the one person that blizzard hates. XD

Reminder that there was a combo point UI bug that got caught and reported in DF Prepatch PTR, made it to Prepatch live, then made it to DF launch and then lasted almost half way through Season 1 before it was fixed.

“Fixing bugs is for nerds” ~ Blizzard, probably

I totally didn’t get the idea for this post from a reply in another thread. :eyes:

They already said due to how easy and trivial M0 are now that those would not be rewarded in M0.

I agree wholeheartedly with this post. Today has been a disaster for me.

Feels like a new expansion to be honest with the amount of bugs.

Stop crying over ridiculous small issues. There will always be minor issues. They have been patching them in a reasonable time. This sort of post that lacks a clear list of issues is nothing but whining over nothing.

There were things broken for a year in van. They patch stuff much faster now than ever before.

Some people clearly need an emotional support ardvaark or maybe a peacock

You gonna ignore group finder and how the community had to find a work around to get it to work?

:face_with_diagonal_mouth: Yeah that’s true.
Heck there’s some bugs that have been still present from a few previous expansions ago :face_with_spiral_eyes:

  • Which also makes running old content raise an eyebrow for what hope we have moving into the newer stuff — especially for the new or returning players :joy:

I did bgs for 3 hours. Zero issues.

I got LFR queue to work but when it was over all my gold was gone.

Honestly agreed. I have had enough time to get through the new Void themed Questline and get the unlocks once I Hearthed back to Valdrakken I got an issue which i had earlier where my character could do literally nothing besides type in chat no log out exit game attack mount nothing. When i task managered my way out and launched the App again I got another Update this was prior to completing the Void quest line since I had to force quit my Warrior main was unable to be logged into for around 40 minutes meanwhile I was doing my other 5 characters vaults etc to kill time. Once i got to task manager quitting the second time and did anoter launcher start I had yet another update I let that go through I logged back in was able to do things again went and removed some gold from guild bank purchased the items i needed for the Loamm Weekly then went back to put a Reagent back into my Guild bank but then the same issue appeared of not being ablt to move attack etc reared its ugly face I was near the mail box where one would walk out and see after hearthing and I still have the interact button for the gold you can toss when standing o it in the Bank/Vault room. I am just finishing up my 2nd Scan And Repair of the day and have lost about 3 hours of play time due to the game literally being next to unplayable. They really need to have a dedicated team or at the least a lot lot longer PTR test and have actual Incentive for players to Spend time Testing and stress testing the New patch before the broken unfinished mess we constantly get time and time again is made live. And by Incentive I mean Since the PTR is technically not the Main WoW Game we are paying for Blizzard should either Pause your subscription time whilst on the PTR or reimburse your account with the time lost on the ptr back to your main account that way people will more pro actively participate instead of ignoring it along with blizzard themselves. And outside of the Void Questline and some minor transmog rewards and a mount skin the nearing 3gigs of Patches I have gotten so far I do not know what else we even got. No new Armor a Minor fix to BFA content but not a DPS increase as in that content is the same as Classic>Legion when it comes to clear speeds. According to a thread I have already posted on Ion said a while back that “GEAR RELIANCE” is still needed for BFA but not buffing us and nerfing the Bosses and Mobs was off the cards apparently. So since they are fixed I don’t see that level of ease coming until we are atleast into the middle of The War Within being Level 80 and in good Set gear then maybe we might do more than 50k DPS in an Expansion that has been dead for nearly 6 years and hopefully they do the same for Shadowlands which honestly like Dragonflight should have a Nerf implemented to that expansion on Launch day of the Upcoming Expansion. No one care about an old dead expansion even if it is only outdated by a single Day,. Once pre Patch hits they should Nerf Shadowlands and BFA content into the same catergory as the rest so we do 5-20 million damage per hit to mobs and can cler content at our fast pace not beg claw and wait for people to join a prenade, We do Old Content for transmogs and do not want to play with others if we do not have to. But will we get that of course not the current crop over there have a weird mindset right now and can barely focus on putting out a patch that does not completey mess up the game. I have not been on a day one patch where I could not play too long before my character basically becomes stuck in one location but I am able to ground move around but not do anything and have to force quit every time for it to happen again and again. And I highly doubt its not a single addon of mine causing said issue. I wiill play this time without them and time how long it takes to break again. I will report back with /played when it inevitably happens.

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Congrats, you somehow managed to ignore every person complaining about looking for keys, or raids because they weren’t and still aren’t able to without turning on the mature language filter.
The game isn’t just you.

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Does your keyboard not have an “Enter” key?


Yeah, I was so psyched, Draenei heritage quest was cool, and then I tried to do the personal tabard questline… Ooof. I don’t mind flying all over Dragon Isles to talk to a ton of NPCs… I mean, I do, thats a bit lame, but the story and the message was good, I was fine with all of it. And then it makes me have to do so many small, long winded personal side quests I was happily ignoring, just for the privilege of asking someone a question…

Thats kinda unacceptable. And it gets worse. Now this NPC wants me to do her quest, but theres no ! or option to ask what she wants in the quest box, so not only do I have to do her errand work, but its not even letting me do that. I have no idea if thats its own bug, or I need to do her starting quest tree in goodness knows where, and no one is gonna know if I asked, soooo… I can’t even do the forced busy work the game shouldn’t be forcing me to. So I gave up, I walked away, its not worth it.

Its a shame, was a cool quest, good message, was decent quality for a bit, then they killed it before it had a chance. I hope its a freak accident, a glitch, or a patch issue, but the dialogue box is deliberately made to just dismiss your question in character, so my hopes this will be remedied are slim.

and this why everything why it is.