Blizzard Pushing Cata Classic Is Why

…private servers will continue to exist and leech players from their numbers.

I’ve seen a few posts on this forum that say that Blizzard shouldn’t keep era servers because eventually the content is going to stagnate and the player base is gonna dry up eventually, but some of those private servers have had the same content for years and are still going pretty strong.

Pretty much speaks to why, if Blizzard really wants to keep those subscriber numbers healthy, they should have an era server or two.


Players wont return from provate servers if blizzard leaves an era server open. Ps server players hate the changes that were made both in bc and wrath.


The difference between a private server, and the era server, is that, you’re paying to play a game that is always the same, in Private server its free, soo you can always come back at any time without wasting any money.
Blizzard is doing right by pushing cata, they don’t want to lose they numbers.
its something new, also, have you ever heard of a cata private server?
well, i din’t. and honestly? Cata is one of the most balanced xpacs. For pvp at least.
got revamped world, flying, and made the game more pontual and fast, good for people that don’t have enough time to grind stuff, like it is in Wotlk, also another reason why people play on private servers, you have all the time of the world, the account will exist forever, unless the server shutdown…


Whitemane is a huge cata server its like 4k people or something like that which is large for a Pserver


Why are people not understanding this by now? They do not want Era because they can NOT sell anything in the store on Era.

They gain more money selling things in Cataclysm store than nothing on a dead wrath Era realm.


Those Pservers have cyclical servers where they restart after a year while also releasing the raid tiers slowly. I’m sure that there’s static servers where everything’s out but for the most part, most of the players will be on those cyclical servers.

Also the content doesn’t get stagnant, it’s already stagnant. No more content is going to be released, all of the raids are out, all of the content that’s be released is already released. People asking for WotLK Era servers would be doing dungeons for scourge stones and jumping straight into ICC normal with the 30% buff, avoiding all other raids.

Collections are account wide so nothing to get on other toons, other than PvP there’d be nothing to do unless they’d want to level an alt, gear it up through dungeons then again, do ICC normal with the 30% buff.

SoD has more people playing than WotLK currently, Vanilla WoW has always been the most popular version of WoW so it makes sense why they’d have Vanilla Era servers. I wasn’t surprised when Blizzard said that there’s not going to be any WotLK Era servers because when TBC didn’t get any Era servers I knew that Blizzard was done with it.

I think the number of people who’d leave over no WotLK Era servers are the negligible few, in Blizzards eyes they’re a tiny minority of people whos patronage doesn’t matter, as many, many more people will stay subbed than those who’d leave.


Man, people who keep bringing up private servers really love to undersell the fact that they’re free to play, huh?


If Blizzard is going to be spending money to keep something afloat, they’re going to want money to be coming back to them. I would be willing to bet anything that if they launched an Era server, three things would happen: 1) There would be an influx of new characters, 2) People would immediately start complaining that it’s some build they don’t like, 3) The server would be a ghost town in 3-6 months.

There is absolutely ZERO incentive to spin up, monitor, staff, and maintain era servers. None, what-so-ever.

You’ve got a better shot at hoping for fresh classic servers, starting from scratch.


They can keep the ones that prefer to be on official servers, even tho they hate the changes that blizzard made, as well.

But most people prefer an official place to play, even if costs money. Let’s not undersell that…lol


Not entirely true, from my understanding Warmane hasn’t created a cyclical server till recently. The biggest realm has 10k players and they been on ICC for years now, the only difference is it’s 7 times experience rate for folks leveling alts

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The store exist on wrath and they added the token… they can still sell services.


So absolutely dead server?


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Blizzard has decided that crusade/wrath simply aren’t worth preserving. You can argue that it would be profitable all day long, but that is not the point. They aren’t after a recoup or even a profit. They want a fortune, an unrealistically high ransom an old game was never going to measure up to.


This. Wotlk pservers are still popular today, even with Wotlk Classic currently in existence. Pservers did Wrath better. There’s also a much better and more active pvp scene on pservers than there is here - I dont even pvp here anymore.


Ps server players hate having easy contents as 90% the reason… Like if you are used to 40 million Hp HM anub and all of a sudden its nerfed to 27 million. I just don’t feel like I wanna play.

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I miss the days when discussing and/or encouraging/and or particpating in pservers was an insta perma ban.


Yep, and you get what you pay for.

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One blizz realm has more then this a huge server please

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There’s wouldn’t be anything wrong with bringing back Cata for those that want it if Blizz provided an era server for TBC and Wrath that people could call home…