Blizzard Punishing People for Backfilling LFR

Why would I want you to quit? I want y’all to show some self awareness and respect for your fellow humans, if you don’t have the time to do something, don’t do it because all you’re doing is wasting other people’s time. I feel it’s pretty straight forward and simple.

If you gotta BRB, that’s fine… it’s quitting the group over not getting what you want in longer content.

They should just remove weekly lockouts on loot for LFR bosses. That or revert this change specifically for LFR. I don’t do LFR at all but it doesn’t take much to see how this is a badly implemented system that wastes time / promotes bad feelings unnecessarily.

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Which would be quitting. Since if I can’t play the game, why would I pay a sub fee to it? If I get through content, great. But if I never try to, how will I know if I can? I can’t predict when my dog will start whining, or my stomach will act up. I am not psychic.

In queue content they’ll just kick you. So you make them wait for you, wasting their time. Only for them to kick you. Leaving is doing them a favor.


Well, that’d be the best case scenario I guess.

If you get kicked, that’s on them not you. There is a difference between abandoning because you didn’t receive an item you want and having to BRB.

Okay but you also get the debuff if kicked. So if I am going to get it either way, I could leave. They will likely 99% of the time get a refill faster then the 5 minutes I need to do something. And my timer can start ticking down immediately when I step away. In dungeons that take maybe 15-20 mins, someone wont wait 5 mins for me to take my dog out or something


You shouldn’t receive the debuff the being kicked… I get that, but at the end of the day… if you are going to abandon a raid/group because you didn’t get what you wanted, you deserve HARSHER penalties, no exceptions. Once and while because real life happens is understandable, I’m talking about the repeat offenders.

ONLY IF YOU WERE BACKFILLED: You should be able to loot bosses you do twice, twice.

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Exactly. Until this change, yes, technically you had to re-queue but you weren’t punished beyond that for backfilling for the first group, whereas you are now.

Prior to being punished for helping out, I never minded it…I’d just re-add the wing to my queue list, kill the boss (or bosses) that were already dead in the re-q, and life was fine. NOW? I’ll just abandon the in-progress group immediately until this is fixed.

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this sucks

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if they made the instance reset after the last boss and auto go back to the first boss like a repeating loop this would solve all the issues. Instead of making backfills que again for that last boss.

I mean, they don’t even need to do that. They just need to revert the debuff they added this week (that should never exist like that in LFR anyhow) and the problem would be solved.

Or, barring that, if for some reason they MUST have a debuff, then they could remove loot restrictions from LFR (it drops basically heroic dungeon gear anyhow, and gives worse vault rewards than heroic dungeons anyhow).

But as is, it’s ridiculous.


There was no choice. The system is one system. It’s not different from LFR to dungeons.

There are reason for the system to exist in LFR. But aside from that, the issue is as I stated above: it’s one system for all auto queue content. It isn’t one system for LFR and one system for dungeons.

If at all possible, queue as a key role like tank or healer. After you get what you need go afk until people kick you. You only get a 5 min wait when you are kicked, vs the 30 min you get if you leave. So now instead of nearly instantly replacing dps who had no reason to be there, the whole raid gets to bog down while they try to figure out if you are actually afk, then try to get a vote started to kick you, then hope enough people were paying attention to actually pass a vote to kick the tank.

If blizz is going to punish us for backfilling their raids, then we pass that pain along to everyone else until blizzard reverts these ridiculous changes.


I mean, normally in content you queue for I am playing a tank or healer, unless I’m on an alt like my warlock that can only DPS.

It’s always been this way. The system is designed to put you where you’re needed first, but then it will give you a fresh one the next time you queue, and you can leave after you’ve killed your bosses that you still needed.

Unfortunately, due to the sacbrood being everyone’s best trinket and people leaving immediately after the first boss, they changed the way the deserter debuff works. Instead of just moving the trinket to the last boss.

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That is, by definition, not “always been this way,” and is literally the very thing I’m giving feedback about Blizzard punishing people for backfilling when they never did before 6 days ago.

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I meant “it’s always been this way” as in you’ve always had the chance to be dropped into a later boss and have to re-queue after.

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Don’t do LFR, problem solved =)

Blame the people that forced Blizzard’s hand.

They are the reason why changes like these happen. Now you’re ‘paying’ for their behaviour.

The LFR/heroic dungeon crowd literally throw a temper tantrum for this, now you guys don’t like it?

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