Blizzard, PLEASE require a Social Security # to play WoW

Blizzard, PLEASE require a Social Security # to play WoW

So… You want to ban everyone around the world but the USA


could you actually imagine typing your social security number online to a website that doesn’t end in .gov? scary.

whats next Blizzard store our DNA profile for verification? ROFL

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Yeah, that’s because the phone number is tied to their SSN, or whatever their equivalent is.

Yeah they don’t need nor will they ever get my ss#. Not happening.


No he reported his friend for using tokens for doing RMTs

GOing to have to expand the troll name to


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Can I Paytoskip this post?

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bops with a newspaper

No, keep that spine strong, retail work or not. Do not cater to trolls to keep the peace, that just enables them. Just flag and move one.

You’re silly, OP. You did get some responses though.

Then mom checks her bank account and finds it empty…

Trouble a brewing.

Korea doesn’t follow US based PCI compliance regulations like a US company would. Blizzard is a US company.

of the many things in the setup for IT to be PCI compliant is…no PII.

when a company I worked for did this…data had to go.

Socials…a big no no for PCI. that basically is an instant fail on audit. 99.99999% of the systems are good. that SSN hit for .000001%…complete fail of audit.

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Hey remember what happened last time Blizzard said they were going to do something like this? Two of the devs promoting it got their emails hacked, their street address was leaked, one group of people even put together a group to order thousands of pizzas to one of their houses and other people called in fake bomb threats to the place… Thats what can happen. They even released his first, middle and last name to the public, his workplace. Passwords. IP address. Blizz wont make that mistake again. That was the result of simply requesting real names be used. Asking for SSN would be even more invasive, the retaliation would be much more severe.

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No it is actually their government requiring that so that way they can monitor their citizens online chat with other people. Lost Ark does not want this to happen as it has caused multiple gamers to cancel. It is also North Korea that is doing this. OP thinks we need to be like North Korea.

I have a Lost Ark account and OP is making this up.

Pretty much this. Requiring every player to hold a U.S. Social Security card disenfranchises the ~7.6 billion people that don’t have one and can’t get one.

To be fair, the .gov doesn’t make it less scary.

if they had an account they are also skipping some of the more fun tidbits of asian gaming.

like many use a 3rd party pay service.

why I steer clear of some asian based MMO’s. the 3rd party…sucks here. at least the ones Japan pushes but I think Korea can use them as well).

I like to see a nice US based and run pay option.

If only because to avoid fees upon fees (there is always at least the one currency change fee) …I’d have to ask the wife to use her card.

I…haven’t asked mommy for game money in many many years. I am not going to start now lol.

LA is a really good game but it is not a replacement to WoW so I play both. And OP saying what he is. That is false. LA is not requesting that info. The local government is. People have been sued for spreading misinformation about companies like that and even gaming companies too. So OP should be more careful. They could legally come after him if it is determined that this thread which can be seen world wide has caused them to lose sales. That will teach him to think before he says something on a public forum.

Well as an older player who has had his share of issues around stolen identity, I would NEVER give out a TIN or SSN to a company that already has my credit card on file. Just because we my have some trust in the ethical behavior of the company, we have no idea what kind of employees might have access to our info. (Edited for grammar)

I live in a different state than I was born in, and I only lived in that state for a year as a kid. Apparently that complicates things according to the woman who I was emailing with.