Blizzard, PLEASE require a Social Security # to play WoW

I LOL’d too hard at this thread. Where do you come up with this crap?

Youre spare parts brah

Back from vacation I guess. Obv that time used wisely coming up with more absolute gems for GD to chew on. :dotted_line_face:

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No real troll is ever banned, they are actually encouraged.

Not to get pedantic, but…

No, you didn’t say it was illegal, you said it wasn’t allowed.

yea i can see it now wow need a SS# then the next day blizzard is hacked
and a lot of people need a new SS# and blizzard is sued

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Let’s role play this… OK wow now uses your SSN.

Blizz gets hacked. 6 million SSN’s get leaked and scammers start using
your number. Now more than likely your reputation for life is ruined.
Searching for a job and you get desperate and so you go visit your local city govt job center to have a case worker help you find a job.
The case worker finds someone is using your SSN so you are unable to get a job until it gets reported and filed when you show proof that you are that SSN number.

So now you lose your apartment due to lack of job and even the fast food joints do not hire you. Yes you become homeless


He may have been banned from the forums or left in disgust after increasingly long silences. He used to post on wowhead but their moderation has gotten stricter. I heard that he transferred to a different server because his slowed down too much, but it’s not one that I’m on so I don’t know for sure.

I figure that when a highly disruptive troll is permitted to continue posting, it probably means they want him posting like this in the forum. Perhaps they find it amusing. Or maybe it’s because it makes it appear that the forum is busy.


If you are over 17 and still have not memorized your SSN then I laugh at you! lol!!!

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Not necessarily a bad idea, I can see how it would curb RMT and bots since they use throwaway accounts/throwaway emails/etc…

…at the same time, we live in the age of cyber-crime, mass-data breaches, and sophisticated hackers so the other side of the coin is player’s personal info could potentially be exposed if Blizzard IT/data is ever breached by bad actors

If it were up to me they would require SS#, driver’s license, Costco membership card, covid vaccination card, birth certificate, marriage license, library card, and 3 proof of purchase from any Kellogg’s cereal.

You again?

and a blockbuster’s card

OK, being Australian, how can I buy a social security number?

Inquiring minds want to know.

(PS, Playing Lost Ark has been proven to induce outbursts of idiotic ideas on forums. You need to back away from the stuff)

Time for some historical facts. When I got my first medical card (MDC) I knew that I had help on my medical expenses. It had my full name, address and as my ID# was my SS#. Every dr.of what ever office mad a copy and put it in my file. Now everyone in that office, including the janitor, had all the info needed to steal my indenty. All hell broke lose and some folks tried to sue the government. Then one day I get a letter with a new MDC in it. Gone is my SS# and some random string of numbers is now my ID#. I knew 9 folks who suffered thru identity theft due to this SS# used on MDC.
I don’t think Blizz or anyone who remembers will want to find themselves in this kind of mess.

I already gave it to Susan express. I might as well give it to them.

Hopefully at some point in the future our personal electronics are encoded to our DNA without the need for a password.

DNA you say >;)

OMG not DNA. The idea that I have to bleed on my electronics to play a game (or anything else) is just sick!!!

Why would you have to bleed on something. DNA is present on skin cells. The technology to read it instantly just hasn’t become available yet.

50 years ago people would have said that it would never be possible to store 1 terabyte worth of information on a small piece of see through crystal. That was before lasers were invented to read and write to crystal data storage.

Now you can store the equivalent of 100 HD movies on a piece of see through glass.

Edit: you can actually store 360 terabytes on one crystal so far… the more you know, I guess!