Blizzard please make it personal loot! NOW!

You are, up to a point. When you actually hit the progression point I do feel like gear slows down (as it should). Additionally, bonus rolls existed alongside ML in WoD, I believe.

So…no cloth for me?

No leather for DPS warriors, or hunters, or enhancement shamans?

Paladins…have fun healing in that +strength-heavy plate gear.

Elemental Shamans…no more cloth or leather for you guys—you gotta stick with that mail SP gear which is just so abundant.

Get it?

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They did yeah, I’m just saying you get an absurd amount of gear now, 95% of which gets vendored. You’re right it does slow down, once you have the base ilvl gear. Then you’re just hoping for titanforges/sockets, everything else is trash.

So I guess it depends on what you like. In retail you get showered with gear, a vast majority of it is worthless, and the gear you do have gets replaced as soon as you get the same piece but with +5 ilvl. And in older wow loot was rare, but once you got it you were set for quite a while.

Some prefer the old system, some don’t, but PL with 2-5 drops between 40 people sounds like the worst idea of all time.


Not in Classic. Never!

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The plans for elementium sharpening stone and Bonereaver’s edge dropped in my last MC run. I obviously can’t use either, but the guild and I were extremely happy about and we were chattering all night about BWL.

None of that would of happened if personal loot was on. Loot is an actual experience when we divi it up amongst ourselves, and we don’t need nannie Blizzard and its robots telling grown men what to do and how to have fun.

To hell with personal loot.


Wow classic looting 2, this time it’s personal

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Personal loot would fix 99.9% of the problems we have with Classic today. Just put any item viable from a boss into the loot table for that player!

If you don’t like Personal loot, its probably because you like to exploit others work for your gains whilst ninjaing what you don’t get outright.


Personal Loot
Trying to get both bindings on one tank

Nah, fam. I’d rather die.

What is it about #NoChanges that you don’t understand?

To any fan of personal loot please explain how it would work for healers (especially paladins and shamans), and casters who dont wear cloth.


Forced personal loot was one of the worst changes made to the game in the last decade.


Personal loot also doesnt work well with classic where your bis sometimes includes non optimal armor pieces (pallies healing in clothe) or items are better then there level/item level (like the brd trinket or the mara princess ring)

Personal loot means that nothing is special, there is no scarcity, everyone gets a participation trophy. Lame.

Retail is that way >>>>>>>>>>>>>

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No. That’s the biggest problem with Personal loot. It already existed. Blizzard didn’t GIVE you personal loot. They took away everything else from us.

eehhhhhhhh… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I have to say mob tagging is the greatest change to the game, makes questing a less of a pain and other players helping feel more natural then in your way. I don’t know how great personal loot is, especially since they ripped out all the other options. Doesn’t really make PL look good in my opinion if you need to take away other options to make it look attractive.

Meanwhile i’m just getting 90% gold over here with personal loot. I don’t know how that counts as participation trophy if the gold reward is so lackluster.

You do realize people ask for people’s loot on retail if they didn’t get it, right?

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What a ridiculous ask

Personal loot would have meant never getting chewed out and told I should be kicked over an upgrade to me that would have been a bigger upgrade for someone else who didn’t even roll on it.

Great community you’ve got there.

They shouldn’t enable the trading. Things like that have ruined the game completely!