Blizzard please make it personal loot! NOW!

Personal loot speaks for itself!

great example, like i said, current classic loot system fosters community, makes you think of what is best for the guild, not only for you :slight_smile:
maybe you weren’t in the mindset for it and got chewed out, maybe you’re too use to personal loot and don’t see the point in bonding with a group.
the possibility is there, but if you don’t use it right then you get shafted.

I mean, freedom to vote is a thing everyone loves, and yet look at what the US did with it.

Bonding with a group of strangers in RFC? I don’t owe them anything, especially not the guy you’re supporting who wanted to kick my mage over that upgrade.

Personal loot is appropriate and works well with most types of content in retail, where it has eliminated all sorts of abuses that still happen in classic.

I’m not personally a fan of Personal Loot myself, that doesn’t mean i want to exploit others work for their gains and etc. I don’t know where you get that to make that connection. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I think Retail would do better with more loot options then just Personal Loot.

To answer your question, I think the trading should stay. Often times i get loot that i don’t want but do ask people if they wanted what i got. It’s annoying people ask me if they want it, but i just tell them no.

Personal Loot isn’t perfect, no system is, hence why it’s good to have options on the table.

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holy moly, you need personal loot for a lvl 20 5 man?
i’m truly sorry, I didn’t know you were this sort of human being.

Yes, it helps to protect stuff from Rogues, like those robes from the end! Hands off!

what’s the point of guilds in retail anyway? if its personal loot and personal raid lockout, is there a benefit to being in a guild and not just pugging everything?

Well less chances to bang your head against random pugs is a good advantage for starts.

Being able to make friends is another good advantage is another.

Bonersquad go play Retail! NOW!

Your courage will fail.

Your heart will explode.

Well yeah, but you’re not stronger as a guild are you. Doing that old link achievement pug sounds just as efficient

In antorus my ele sham got a big TF’d trinket that was trash for me but we had 3 mages it was BiS for, I had to keep it because ilvl = good, until you actually do the math.

Guild was slowed down because we had personal loot forced onto full mythic guild raids, the players complaining about loot were players who never do mythic raids, and they could have forced Ploot for heroic and below, forcing it on the high end just changed how the top tier gears while making normal mythic progress slow for every other guild running the content.

We had ploot with ML, then they took away ML because F you guys lol.

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Run pugs and reserve the items you want…its not that hard if you want retail trash mentality in an old game. Learn2videoGame

Personal loot solves almost all the games PvE issues. The only other issues after PLoot are soley in PvP!!!


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personal loot benefits the self-centered loot obsessed player with no concern for the success of the guild or raid group as a whole. it is a symptom of the greater cancer currently infecting retail and making it resemble a garbage single player rpg crossed with the worst features of mobile games.

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I don’t know what you mean by that.

You ask what is the point of guilds in retail, can i ask why you think it’s pointless to have guilds in retail?

I joined a guild along time ago, cause i want to raid with the guild, get decent progression and cut down the randomness and unpredictability from pugs. I’m no longer in that guild, but if i ever do want to give raiding a good college try again (as in go though the entire raid, learn it, etc), i’m not going to do it with a bunch of randoms.

Dungeons maybe, due to the being you can only have 5 people and they don’t require a time investment just like Raids, you get in, kill 4 bosses, get out. But i would still argue those would be improved greatly with friends/guild.

If the only point of the guilds is to improve the experience of dungeon, raids, battelgrounds, etc, by running with people you know, that doesn’t sound pointless, if anything, it’s a pretty great point in both Classic and Retail. If it’s a good thing on Classic, it’s good for Retail as well.

As i said before, Pugs are unpredictable.

One example i can think of is, the “heroic achievement” paradox. If you don’t know, it’s something i’ve coined. It’s where the group tells you need the heroic achievement in order to do heroic raiding, and in order to get that, you need to do heroic raiding, but you can’t do heroic raiding cause you need the achievement for heroic raiding. You know where i’m getting that, theirs actual groups that does that.

Some may rage quit and potentially screw up the group, others may be bad, some have malicious intent to screw you over via by report/VTK or troll you, and some of them are really good.

You can argue that guilds are like pugs, but made all that on a more consistent normalized level, whether it be behaviors, performance, etc and i would agree.

Ok, but you don’t need to Invest in a guild, any will do, you don’t care who gets loot, you don’t care to farm a tank’s resistance gear, you don’t care about the guild, as long as it’s 15 to 25 decent people, there is no community there, no time investment. Its all your loot, your luck, your lockout. You you you.


Why not invest into a guild? You can make some neat friends and know the people and how they play instead of playing with pugs. It’s really no different from how Classic does it.

Don’t tell me what i don’t care about.

You do realize the same could be said to Classic, right?

If guilds are a community on Classic, then their a community on Retail.

Raiding/PvP Guilds still exist in Retail. Time investment still exists for both.

It’s not all my loot, or my luck, my lockout. Despite what you think, Retail isn’t about me and me only.

No offense, but the answer you’ve given me just seems like a big “oh this is good in a game i like, but bad in a game i don’t like, even though it’s the same thing” kind of deal. I was hoping you wouldn’t give me an answer that is biased or designed to paint retail in a bad light (and i don’t think it’s a particularity fair to do so cause i never have done the same with Classic and if i do, i’m sorry, Mea Culpa, infact, i’m glad you play your favorite game, i just wish i love it as you do, but it’s not my cup of tea and that’s fine.) and that just rubs me the wrong way personally speaking. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

(Before you say it, this isn’t to protect Retail fanboys (not retail players, big difference) that trash classic in the same exact ways, just take any opportunity to paint classic in a bad light whenever they can. Those guys need to stop too, both of us should be better then that.)

Wow this troll post got a lot of replies

I guess it’s called personal loot because it entices group interaction then, somehow.