Blizzard Please Listen

Because that part doesn’t exist.

This part from Holinka does though,

Premades larger than 5 people. Anything that deliberately circumvents the in-game constraints

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you probably don’t have the right post then

im not sure its wise to quote holinka to back you up in matters of pvp, his influence has been highly debated as to if it has been positive or negative.

but again, where is the part where they said they aren’t going to do anything because they can’t regulate what goes on in third party platforms?

I could quote anyone from Blizzard and it wouldn’t change your mind. You’ve repeated your lies so often that you take it as truth. The bottom line is, if Blizz wanted more than 5 people to queue together then there wouldn’t be a 5-man restriction. You and your kind exist in a grey area that Blizz doesn’t care about.

I said it doesn’t exist, you claim it does. The burden of proof is on you.


burden of proof, those qoutes aren’t even blue

Don’t be coy with me. You’ve seen this a hundred times.


how do we know you didn’t just type that

This isn’t the first time you’ve seen this link. I doubt this is the first time you’ve seen this link this month.


Thanks,you prove my point. Tell me, the first day we went to alliance and fought guys in sas and we obviously lost. Who went to discord boasting about, posting videos and what not? Was it not you? When torture lost against us- who went right away to the forums accusing Deso of cheating? We do not do that stuff. You guys need to stop lying and clicking. IMHO.


more cherry picked quotes, with no source

You have still yet to provide your source. You knew that I was going to post that link, you could have saved a few posts to the overall post count.


no i didn’t know, nor did i care. your “source” is just as made up as your own quotes, this is a very valid lesson in internet archiving as things don’t always stay up forever.

additionally, the pvp conditions at that time no longer exist and epics have been split off into their own queue and the majority of epic players will tell you that premading them is the correct way to play.

Like I said premades have been around since vanilla. Do you want a kleenex box to wipe your tears?

Post number 3 of asking for your source. I see 30+ players aren’t the only thing you hide behind.

I’m good, but it’s good to know you keep those on hand. Now we know what you’re doing in between queues.


i asked you for a source and you gave me a breadcrumb trail that leads nowhere and now you are asking for a source to something equivilent to “water is wet” lol

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Post number 4 of asking for your source.

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you want a source that blizzard has no control over what goes on in discord? open a ticket, literally any and every GM will tell you they can’t do anything about what goes on in discord.

No I want the source for this claim.

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lets do some logic, if blizzard can’t control discord and players can sync queue in discord, then blizzard can’t stop players from sync queueing in discord.

this is not worth the effort to actually google any blue post, especially since you didn’t give me any valid blue sources